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i read throught this whole thread!!!! all 138 pages



so i am now qualified to answer any questions u might have

not jus cause i read through the whole thang but from my experiences also

omen helped me alot i just like to thank him

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ohhh some Sizerup!!! name it PURPLE RAIN!!! or SKREWED PURP [like chopped and screwed] ! haha i dont noe. but yeah OINKs post just made me remember 420 hahah Good shyt.


HAAAAAAAAHHHH, got'ta call it 'PURPLE RAIN' aka The Prince of Purp!......dat wood'be FUK'N great!


p.s. anyone know any good markrz/containrz...wud'eva, dat work good wit Etch?:scrambled:

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You can thicken ink with isopropyl alcohol. But not too much, it will turn the ink into this crusty shit.


But then again, that only happened to me with a kiwi shoe polish + brake fluid combo.


Stamp pad ink is okay, I added that to my ink combo to restore some darkness when I fucked up my ink using some stock bingo ink.


For an extremely poor kid with a Giant's and Walgreens near by, what can I rack to make some decent ink? I already got acrylic paint markers for days, and I can just rack some more kiwi polish if needed, but I want to vary my arsenal and see what has potential.

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whats the secret? to your paint mix?


You can thicken ink with isopropyl alcohol. But not too much, it will turn the ink into this crusty shit.


But then again, that only happened to me with a kiwi shoe polish + brake fluid combo.


Stamp pad ink is okay, I added that to my ink combo to restore some darkness when I fucked up my ink using some stock bingo ink.


For an extremely poor kid with a Giant's and Walgreens near by, what can I rack to make some decent ink? I already got acrylic paint markers for days, and I can just rack some more kiwi polish if needed, but I want to vary my arsenal and see what has potential.


what the hell are you talking about? alcohol thins ink and makes it less opaque. yours prolly fucked up because brake fluid has oil in it.

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i read throught this whole thread!!!! all 138 pages


THANK YOU! You are now one of the few non-morons in this thread (on second thought, perhaps reading some of the inane posts in this thread made you less intelligent).


also omen helped me alot i just like to thank him


Seriously, if people just read Omen's posts they'd be set.

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homemade, yes it can. you can make metallic colors too. just save some of the aluminum and mix it with another color of oilpaint. or just thin down some paint, w/e. but the aluminum rusto is a lot thinner than other rusto oil paints.




DAMN IT TO HELL! my ghetto krink ate through my tic tac mop. Prolly my fault, i thinned it with acetone. if i thin it with Mineral spirits, will it not eat plastic? damn, it was one of my favorites, even though i had it for about 2 hours. thank god i left it outside and not in my pockets!

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idk about mineral spirits.


but about the tic tacs


gas stations usually have them in the candy isle with the bubble gum.


or buy a drink and when they are looking in the register drop your wallet, bend down, grabs some and stick them up your sleeve or in your pocket

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damn, i love that mop though, and i love ghetto krink, i guess i cant have my cake and eat it too. my moms used to buy an 8 pack of them from a dollar store for a $1, but the place went out of business. ill search the forums for mineral spirits, and then repost whatever i find.

also, you can get one tic tac box and a small bottle instead of 2 tic tacs. get a huge ass resivoir.:D


maybe i can by them in bulk online...

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