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Re: Hey Dumbass.


Originally posted by not_like_you

You have NO room to talk about hands.Your shit is just as bad, maybe even worse..How bout you go suck up to Wake and Para a little more TOY..:lol: learn how to write then criticize others you stupid fuck.:eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:

its funny how you talk to..and my stuff deff isn't worse then his shyt..im sorry they in the same city as me..buffing my shyt..my comment was to him not you lil faggot..the day you can burn me is the day YOU can talk..untill then shut the fuck up

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never deleted any of my posts..seeing as the fact i made the thread..faggot






neva said i was the best..but the things that get me madd is when ppl like you get involved with shyt between people. They buffed me so i told him whats up.get over yourself.if you wanna keep talking smack, bring it to the battle thread and let your skills speak for yourself

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Ok Koot.....you suck. Thats all I can say. I've never done a piece in my life and I could still probably smash on everything you put out. All you have are outlined tags you "drew". Ok, lets be serious now, everyone here knows you didn't draw that. Even your cat is probably staring at you in a suspicous manner. You also have tags you couldnt paint if your life depended on it. And furthermore, you're probably a virgin. Die

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Originally posted by not_like_you

sorry guys what i really meant is that i am extremely homosexual and love the cock all in my ear...well besides that ill never get some real pussy because of the fact that im gay and spend time workin on my handstyles that suck ass...

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