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The Street Sticker Thread


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So, whats the screen name micro? Anyway the 20 deep painting didn't get done. My buddy that was supposed to supply me with ladders and more paint got stuck in traffic. He figured it would be a good 2 hours or so before he got off so he just turned around. We scheduled it for a different time. Plus we didn't really know what we were gonna do, either. So were gonna plan it out first so we can get there, do our thang, and get out. I'm getting a digicam in april for my birthday so expect pics from me. Alright I'm out to go paint in the DAYTIME. Woot I'm cool :cool:

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basically u just scrap 2gether whatever and as many stickers u can and draw on them...the people from this thread i.e. 20 deep members...make characters on their stickers but alot of people do pieces and other stuff also. every so often we do a big trade so our characters get known all over the world. i think ive covered just about everything but if any1 has sumtin i missed please feel free to add or correct me

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Originally posted by Destruction by Definition



heres the one big slowpoke you sent...the damn sun was glaring but you can kinda see it, sorry for the bad photo..this is on a bridge thats like 20 feet above water, its a nice spot..



i like this one...



you have dope shoes

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the big stanley and 20 deep stickers that i posted were involved in a car accident about an hour ago...the lady ran the light and hit a car comin from the street on the right. the cop asked if she was drinkin and shit and she said "no sir...i was lookin at the rabbit on the pole" the cop started laughin his ass off and put her in his car...i guess he didnt look over at the pole so he thought she was seeing shit lol...i was on my way home so i didnt have my cam:( maybe itll be in the news paper:)anyway...just thought i would share my laughs with you guys...g'night

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ok. so the quality is horrible. my friend came over last night and he has one of those cell phones that take the pictures. i ran all the way to the closest place i knew one of my stickers were up. it was too dark too see it. so i ran back to my apartment, got a flashlight and ran back to the spot. the first proof that toby is out making new friends. maybe ill quit being a complete loser and just go by a digital, insteadof being a little bitch. lol, anyways, there he is.

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well thats why you gotta make em distinct. i use 3 different characters, but everyone knows its me because (xcept for the ones that are cut out around the edges)they all got "20deep....dont front" writen on them. so there gonna know that im the same guy cause no one else from my state is on 20deep. except for stomah, and his are so much more distinguisable from mine. word up. gotta make some kinda trade mark.

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Hey Im dele. Im likin all these stickers in here and so Im gonna tell you my deal. I live in a small town in Ohio my style is sorta comin out and I've only done stickers and marker tags so far. Since I live a little bit from the small town I have no real transportation to town since im too young to drive. Whenever I do go out tho I get some sticks and some tags here and there. Im a new member of 20DP and Im dyin for the Swap to come up. Ive got a mad amount of stickers that I've done that I want to trade so my stuff isn't confined to my small town. If someone would like to trade Email me at FunkJasta@aol.com or AIM me at FunkJasta. If you wanna trade thats cool. If ya dont It would be cool If you give ome tips.

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