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Northwest Superthread II(without crappy flicks)


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hahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahaha....... haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhahahAHAHHAHAHhhHAHAHAHHhahhahAHAHHAhhhaahhahahahhhhhhhhhhhhahahahhhhahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahaha...hahahahahhaha///jyfytdjytdyufliuty5w5y4trdhgdhgfjytu54wu56ei76rouhjtgkugujhgyvtc7645ei78io9u 36574678970[8u98ygftcgvb nvmblog 57utjgb 6r876ryugjbjhyvf5er76foguikjbhjg6e5

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Test DCM! Almost as OG as Bruno.


that has to be the most horrible lack of seattle history ever. you obviously are too young to have een the old seattle city liht building in it's day.


not only did bruno paint those weak ass permission yards that held seattle back unitl btm shoed y'all how to bomb, but he was a cool enough dude (rey edk too) to blow trees with the pee wees and bomb with us.


test dcm? i officially kick everyone off dcm but myth. cuz im the prez and it's like that. how long has it been since dcm even painted anyways?


bruno is a real og who had so much style his flicks from 92 are sick today not in a nostalgia way, but in a sick as fuck way.


he used to burn the rawest styles. best member of 2zc when he was 2zc. teal and dove grey fills with yellow outlines? his 3 cans burn every nok permission production ever.


fuck legals that look like a whole crew whent off their riddelin.


i just wush bruno kept rocking instead of hanging out with some character drawing abortion. dude taught me how to piece for real.

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im not claiming anything but the fights are past due


ill be wandering around belltown/downtown mostly and a little capitol hill all day so ill see you all soon


dude, quit jumping on the band wagon. it;s not tough for a whole city to hate on a kid who basically owned your town in 6 months while you trid to get a summer out of a dry silver pen.


run is wack for joining a crew for protection, he;s in for a suprise, given the history they have of getting banished from cities.


if run whooped one of theses kids asses, he;s just have to whoop one after another, kids are like hyenas.


dont get me wrong.. run side busted a lot of spots, and ajar ran his mouth, but y;all were on some hate shit from the get go, keep it real, fools forgot how to do anything filled in decently in a long time.


kato, bc, icepick, cruckshels, ouchops, and whoever comes to visit btm from out of state are all that;s worth seeing anyways.


i'd rahter see more hansoloe and goto. but i dont have time machine. practice yr throw ups, not yr tough talk. that shit got played out with "streets are syaing things" this aint nyc, and you aint JA.

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actually, my mom worked there! even before it was city light, when it was called puget power...


but you're right, I could do to read up on seattle history just like all of us could. if only there was a book I could get this information from. then I wouldn't have to wait for you to drop knowledge every couple of weeks.


I'll be the first to admit I don't know bruno or test or their personal graffiti stories. I don't doubt bruno's influence in the game.. why do you think I post his shit whenever I can?


onto lesson 2..


that has to be the most horrible lack of seattle history ever. you obviously are too young to have een the old seattle city liht building in it's day.


not only did bruno paint those weak ass permission yards that held seattle back unitl btm shoed y'all how to bomb, but he was a cool enough dude (rey edk too) to blow trees with the pee wees and bomb with us.


test dcm? i officially kick everyone off dcm but myth. cuz im the prez and it's like that. how long has it been since dcm even painted anyways?


bruno is a real og who had so much style his flicks from 92 are sick today not in a nostalgia way, but in a sick as fuck way.


he used to burn the rawest styles. best member of 2zc when he was 2zc. teal and dove grey fills with yellow outlines? his 3 cans burn every nok permission production ever.


fuck legals that look like a whole crew whent off their riddelin.


i just wush bruno kept rocking instead of hanging out with some character drawing abortion. dude taught me how to piece for real.

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