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this shit's real funny to me...


no one else in NC could paint like that even if they tried... you posted the saber flick beside it and the arcane STILL looks dope...


i really didn't come on here to talk shit, and i've come to respect most anyone in NC that paints...


but the fact of the matter is that you haters would have to compare your shit to "dub" to look tight...


try comparing YOUR WORK to saber...now you really look wack.

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regarding code 6837-B, a piece of that caliber and style is in it's own right not supposed to be legible whether rolling down the tracks, or standing still on a wall...but if you can only see a plate of spaghetti, well that's really your own problem.


no doubt, but you can make out sabers letters mixed in that plate of noodles.. even rolling.

rebus pulls it off, i've always liked his canvas' and rollers. Maybe he grew up in LA.. cause I don't see no NC head just progressing into that style without some heavy outside influence. Even got the west coast handstyle to go with it! Come on.


Either way, do your thing, but don't get pissed every time someone points out the obvious.

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no doubt, but you can make out sabers letters mixed in that plate of noodles.. even rolling.

rebus pulls it off, i've always liked his canvas' and rollers. Maybe he grew up in LA.. cause I don't see no NC head just progressing into that style without some heavy outside influence. Even got the west coast handstyle to go with it! Come on.


Either way, do your thing, but don't get pissed every time someone points out the obvious.


Look homie..

I haven't said one combative word to you or any one else on who wants to compare their notes about me and whom my work resembles. I can see how that may of made you think I was "pissed." Right? :lol: It's pretty much a cadaver of topics as it is. A lot of you seem confrontational with yourselves. Keep it that way cause I'd herb the majority of you.


Or maybe it was my escaped narcissistically of not bumping myself when I view the forum that alluded to me being so "pissed." Sorry guys I'm not as original as a simple. I wont try as hard next year. Not trying to be a dick, but a lot of you guys get out of pocket with shit that doesn't really even concern you. Consider me humbled by the comparison however.


Unfortunately inspiration in NC is scarce to say the least.

Everyone is going to have their own predilections to what they think constitutes good graffiti. As I have mine. I feel fortunate to paint with the people I paint with, as they play a big roll in both my influencing and inspiration.


What I was painting over four years ago, looks a lot like what you see in some parts of both the Mid-West, South East, and of course, out West even to date... Call it what you want. I'll call you lapped, so take a breather and enjoy the flicks homies.



I'll post some a little bit later..

As promised.































Old Scar 1.0







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Every time this thread makes an attempt at being decent the hate brings it back down...


Face it folks, there are no originals here in the Carolinas (and I will throw myself in that mix as well to an extent) or even the world these days. There hasn't been an original piece or tag or simple that doesn't get its inspiration from someone or something else in the last 30 years. Call it what you want - jocking or biting, the fact is everything that anyone tries these days has been done ad nauseum, learn your history and you will see. Look at the old school New York or Philadelphia threads, its been done. Yeah you may add a smoother line or piece minus an outline or do a character but in essence when you break it down to the lowest level, it has already been done.

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all that old charlotte shit is awesome. i've always been way into cnile ever since illegalart.zor.org was still running. that rebus shit is off the chain. the shit talk blows me away, mostly because no matter what there is to talk shit about there is someone who will jump on the bandwagon and agree with their buddy that "its not as good as us" because it looks like one of the most influential writers there is.

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