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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

he did...he blocked it hard! these girls were told that i was a virgin and was far from believing that i was..i just danced too good with them.i mean this girl was really rubbin her pussy on my leg.this other girl was talkin about gettin nekkid in a jaccuzi or at a beach with me...this dude was talkin about.."yeah, notin is gonna happen tonight.so, i'll see yah tomorrow." hinting me to stay home.actin like i wasnt a jedi pimp.he knows that i have the force and he knows that he doesnt..now i think the only person who got laid was my homie WIDGET

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well i came on for a minute or thirty last night

i typed out a fucking huge resonse in this thread and when i pressed submit my comp froze, i got pissed and just shut the damn thing off

so here goes again...


hey pistol good looking out on the wallpaper, it is now gracing my desktop.


i am ofically sick of krispy kreme donuts as of last year and to this date, we have 3 of them within a 2 mile radius, it sickens me to think of all that sugar. and one of my girls works there so i always got hooked up with that sugary madness they call a krispy kreme donut.


since pistol brought up the subject of selling shit, im still down to buy any drew memorabilia anyone might have, hey steal it from your friends for all i care. i will offer cold hard cash!


and as of friday my truck will no longer be in my possession

i have made the decision to sell it to that kid

i cant belive he has a dad that would just straight out fork over close to 17,000 so his kid can have a fucking pimp ride, i wish my parents were that way back in the day! hey wait no i dont because then i wouldnt have ever wanted to learn what i learned, and never would have gotten my hands greasey... this kid doesnt know what hes missing. oh well. i just cant wait for the day (not too long from now) that my other truck will be finished, so i can roll up to this kid and make him cry because he bought my old one, it will most certainly bring the biggest fucking smile to my face, it certainly did that last time i sold one of my trucks (a bitchin 89 mazda b2200) and then saw the kid a few months later in my new ride. ahh... muhuhuhuhahahahahahaa! but yeah i think its for the best, new things to do to this new piece of rolling wonder.


hmm i know i wrote out more shit last night but u cant think of it at the moment, oh well must have not been too important.

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sorry to hear it willy... cock blockin is not where it's at.. your friend better recognize.. if you're about to get your swerve on with a girl, possibly 2 simultaneously or one at a time, he needs to find a place to sleep right there where he's at... you made a huge sacrifice by taking your friend home that night.. sometimes it's hard being a nice guy... maybe you'll have a second chance.. good karma or somethin.. better hope for your sake..

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just because I thaught you guys might like to know...i got stoned tonight and I bought 2 dozen donuts...I am enjoying thier great sugary greatness at the moment with a tall glass of milk...so I shall excuse myself to take out my contacts and then watch kpax since it finally downloaded.

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I'm fuckin' trashed.............what up NightOwl clan.....I see we have heads who want to get fucked up with us........if there ever is a 12oz party....I'll go.....to meet everyone and make an ass out of myself..................hahahahahha......now get a God DAMMED BEER and shotgun it!!!!!!!!!!............man,tonight was dope.hahahaha,.....NightOwls.......no imposters.

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at about 11 tonite i will be handing over the keys to my truck.

a sad but good event... sigh

this is the first project of mine that i have completed that had everything on it working as in meaning everything electrical works as it was planned to, earlier today i scribed my name into the frame. hahhaha i will live on! and im going to drag the shit out of that motherfucker all the way over to this kids house, cause i cant go out like no chump, ya know? i bought a shitty car to get me around for the next few months (86' mazda 626 like what?! :lol: ...) until i complete my new ride.

so yep neato yea... ill post pics this time of my new ride in progress so stay tuned in for the next few months, it will be an adventure.

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i would love to post a picture or five of the old one but it had many distinguishing traits that people who i dont trust (damn non nightowls)would know about and would then have a way to search me out from there. i guess i could post pieces of pictures, that may be a plan. but the new ride will get full coverage until it gets to the point where im going to be doing top secret shit (ya know). ill find some pictures of the old g'ride as soon as i can and ill see what i can do. maybe a body panel here and there ya know?

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blah i can't find the post where mapo talks about fucking his pillow. maybe he deleted it. but I found this from when he was cool with wonka.

Originally posted by mapo wc

On the real, Wonk is the fuckin man. Ive been here like 3 or 4 months before him, and have about 1/10 of the amount of posts he has. But he spices shit up around here. Do ya thing, Wonk.



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