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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest Dyptheria



Originally posted by HESHIANDET

HA, im straight thug son..peep the pages, peep the views!!!


at the time of this post:


bicicetas has 49 pages,1957 replies, and 11748 views.


Nightowls have 60 pages, 2382 replies, and 9334 views.


nightowls have more pages, more replies.


so the views matter to you? well okay, its not the amount, but the RATE:


at the time of this post, bicicletas has 11748 views, but that thread has been around for 385 days--that's 30.5 views per day.


nightowls have 9334 views over 101 days--thats 92.5 views per day


yep, its like a race where one bicycle starts and is the only one on the track so it thinks its cool and going fast, then an owl starts from way behind and catches up really quickly and surpasses the biker.


I'm not a night owl, so this is an unbiased view, but i think the nightowls will dominate

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haha....I just wasted some time reading "teases" thread....oh my Gawd.....anyways,I decided I would say "what's up" to the NightCrew and go have a cigarette.......I'm off kilter at the moment(drunk)...

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haha......the rest of these 12oz morons don't have shit on the NightOwls.....I laughed the other day when some stupid kid started talking shit on this site......I looked up the profile just for shits and giggles and it said he/she was 14.....oh man.....I was 14 when he/she slipped out his/her mommas' inner sector......I just enjoy seeing all the people post their "wisdom" when they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground........

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Gnes...you're cool bro.......it is part of life and it's stupid "trials' and tribulations"......man,I'm fuckin' almost 28 years old.......and believe me,getting old sucks.....trust me,I have been dealing with it for some time now.....I'm just glad that I still have the drive to go out and paint with my friends....that is going to stick with me no matter how old I get....peace,brother...stay,up.

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growing up and getting old to me is like an adventure itself i think the reason why most people drop doing graffiti, or hobbies like skating, biking etc when they get older is because they get sucked really far into the work life trying to achieve the "american dream" a nice house a nice car maybe 2 of em several kids more cash on hand. i hope to still be painting often in my 30s so i can look back and say damn ive come a long way

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Guest Dyptheria

well i started drinking and smoking weed at 13, so 14 was one big party for me. i have no distinct memories, just a bunch of random memories of getting fucked up at random places. by 16, i was pretty much cmellowed out, only got fucked up once in a while. but by that age, all the other kids that used to make fun of me and call me a loser, started partying. then they started losing and dropping out of school. i had the last laugh. now i drink a few times a week, smoke or shroom occasionally, but quit all other drugs.


when i think of being 14, i just think i'm glad i got all that being-a-loser out of my system, so now that i'm older, i know how to handle my drugs and alcohol.

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^^^^^^^right on.......I can handle my drugs well....that is becuse I quit doing them all together(no weed,no pills,nothing)....but I can not seem to fall out the mold of drinking every night.....everyday I wake up I am pissed because I have no money....yet the night before I blew 60 or 70 bucks at the bar(not even thinking about it)......seriously,I need to cut back.

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^^^^^for all the little twerps around my area......I am the "old fart" of the writers that still hangs around......so,when they want hard A or beer,I usually tax the fuck out of 'em and take full advantage of the situation and have them hook me up beer or hard liks'.....seems like an even deal for me.....

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