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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka
Guest willy.wonka
Guest willy.wonka

im gonna share this with youguys first..



eyes of evil





other than you nightowls...

only people who venture in this thread only..dont tell everybody or i will not post the "nuder" pics..shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

im going to the beach tomorrow..i'll post them and the others after..

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Guest willy.wonka


if they cant wait just post them up for me pistol..i'll be at the beach tomorrow..for a while..so if you feel the need,go ahead,i'll just post the others later,i just wanted you guys to see...


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well nightowls

i wont be on long tonite i just have a few things to say

number one, so far this weekend has been fucking great!

why? you ask

well my girlfriend said she

just wants to be friends with sex... score 1 for when


number two, today (saturday) i went to a family friends wedding

why is this so good?

well when i was there i saw a girl

who i havent seen in about or 6-7 years or so

yea so? you say

well me and this chick go way back (since we were like 2)

she was my first kiss and all that mushy crap

well in the 5 years or so shes been gone...

she got fucking gorgeous!

nice nice nice... we get to talking... score 2 for when


number three, well we decide to get away at the reception

(which is in a hotel)

i get the fucking best blowjob ever from her in the bathroom

...score 3 for when

number four, we find an open vacant room

lock the door

and start fucking like animals for the next few hours

...score 4 for when


but the downside to all of this i found out is that she moved to ohio all those years ago, this girl is perfect but ohio is so fucking far away!

but shes here until the 30th so i guess ill have my fun until then


the ohio thing takes my score down by 2 but hey that means i still have 2 score points left and that aint bad!

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