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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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man, these fucking wiggers live down stairs in the next building, i swear there are way two fucking many wiggers where i live, where i live is mellow, but the town over is wigger breeding central...........wiggers suck, especially rich spoiled ones that can afford to live in my apartments and act like wiggers fulltime.

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when I was younger me and my pops used to keep track of a garden in the back yard, we would grow tomatoes the size of your head, cantelopes like basket balls, corn, giant cucumbers, peppers, an strawberries...I wish it wasn't too late int eh growing season to get things together to start growing veggies.

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Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH

man, these fucking wiggers live down stairs in the next building, i swear there are way two fucking many wiggers where i live, where i live is mellow, but the town over is wigger breeding central...........wiggers suck, especially rich spoiled ones that can afford to live in my apartments and act like wiggers fulltime.


you should move to my neighborhood..some cracker called me white boy the toher day while I was getting paint out of my trunk. I almost fell over laughing.


Scrawny red headed kids with freckles shouldn't be calling people white boy.

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Originally posted by Pistol

Avocados come from the Nauhuatl (Aztec) word meaning testicle.

They named them such because the avocado was shaped like a testicle and because of the large seed inside the fruit.


i love useless knowledge, its so useful

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Wow Pistol, that sounds really cool man, nothing can ever compare to the taste of homegrown vegetables...


yeah, these dumbmotherfuckin wiggers, its like 2 sumfin am and these dumfucks are on the porch screaming at the top of their lungs, "i just broke 9 laws driving hear and am so drunk right now" just add in wigger slang and rocca wear to that, and 9 other wiggers going wooh wooh..really fucking loud...damn punks, woke my girl my cat and my turtles up....

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i just realized that im eating chips and salsa

when there is a turkey my roommate cooked in the fridge

i got up to get some

then i remembered

my roommate couldnt even cook ramen to save his life

so its back to chips and salsa

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