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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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is that your new girly? shes purdy.. what magazine are you going to be in??



cant wait to leave work..i get off early to go to my doctors appointment..since its my last 4 weeks im going to have to go once a week.. i sure do have to pee alot...

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Originally posted by ragsoe505

wow, haven't been here in a while. i think my e-mail is shut off as well. i'm in the northwest, i can stop by spookan anytime. you know who i'm talking to.


i'll be in l.a. on wednesday, anybody wanna go drinking an stinking hit me up...


I got your email and sent one back...when ever when ever...hit my phone up sometime in the future, we can figure out a place for you to crash and shit if you roll solo or with people...just holler at my phone..itll be back online tommorow i dropped the shit in the toilet and away went all my numbers and contacts...but im pickin a new one up tommorows.

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Send me a work shirt When with a big company logo on the back :ballcap: ill be the envy off all my friends :lol: ill pay top dorra haha


3 day weekend here down under


the monday is australia day, where everyone gets trashed goes down to the river and watches the fire works go off in the city

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Originally posted by alure

shes purdy..

what magazine are you going to be in??


i know.


i would tell you on here but it has to do with my work

and its a worldwide magazine so then everyone would know who i was and would be calling my work and making my life hell

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Dont spose you'd wanna sell me one ? haha

Or ill have to call/email your work and make it hell for you.. just kidding.

Yeah Aus Day is like 4th of July sorta thing..much on the cards tonight when ?

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ah right, nice one. im willing to buy one, ill change the money over to US and send enuff for postage back eh. Thursday hey, Friday over here, gonna start drinkin soon, get the night kickin off.

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'Bottle O' = Place that sells alcohol

Foster's cheap hey ?

sells around $30-35AUS here.. I dont consider it anything special.. The 355ml bottles look cool but thats bout it really..

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hey When im outta here..


If your able to get us a shirt form your work, if you want to that is, id be willing to pay for it all to be shipped over etc what not, but yeah, if only its possible and you want too off course, cool if not. take it easy, have a good weekend man.



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have fun this weekend krie


ill see what i can do about a workshirt

i belive we have some chillin in the break room

if not would you want one thats been used?

it would probably have little holes from welding or random stains


if not i can definately get you a tshirt from us

but the work shirts are obviously much cooler


fosters here is about 9-10 dollars for 12 bottles

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its 4 in the morning and a friend just called all frantic

apparently he wants a system put in his car tomorrow


i thought someone died the way he called

and anyway what if i was a responsible adult and asleep at 4am

my friends have no respect


i love them all

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Originally posted by When


i thought someone died the way he called

and anyway what if i was a responsible adult and asleep at 4am

my friends have no respect


i love them all [/b]


haha, yeah my friends do that to me also.

they'll call my house all late hours of the night when i'm sleeping and leave me drunken messages if i dont answer the phone that are 5 minutes long and shit.. i'm like "i'm pregnant..and no i'm not laughing its not fucking funny" i finally had to turn the ringer off in my room..not to mention when my friends do nose candy, and then they decide how much they miss me and come knocking on my door at 7 in the morning to wake my ass up....


but like you said..i still love them.. kept they wont be doing that shit when my baby comes or i'll cap their ass! muhaha

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Originally posted by When

have fun this weekend krie


ill see what i can do about a workshirt

i belive we have some chillin in the break room

if not would you want one thats been used?

it would probably have little holes from welding or random stains


if not i can definately get you a tshirt from us

but the work shirts are obviously much cooler


fosters here is about 9-10 dollars for 12 bottles


Yeah i dont mind if its a used one, just try to get the one with least holes etc, id be around your size too i think. think were both similar heights , around 6 foot so ? so probably what ever size you wear.. just email me or aim me and tell us how much ya want for it and ill send some $ over. sweet. does most beer come in 12 packs over there?

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hooooooooooooooooooot night owls

no ones around ? hrmmmm i need to go to sleep.. tomorrow is sunday and where hittin the pub from bout midday as monday is a public holiday for australia day and we all get the day off from work, hooray. ive got 4 more days at my currrent then i become a carpenter and start my three year apprenticeship. i smell like paint ? i hope nones on my shorts or wot not... i be pisssed off if so.



tonight we just kicked it at a mates house, few beers, played XBOX, watched some porn and had a laugh. kind of laid back night compared to most, probably cause were gonna get cained tomorrow and monday. fucken love public holidays



im gonna go catch some Z's. Easy owls.


Krie. :ballcap:

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