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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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"fo shizzle ma nizzle" is a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah nigga" which is a bastdardization of "I concur with you whole heartedly my African american brother



hah.i found that shit on urbandictionary.com.. i thought it was funny..uh..yeahi'm bored. ;/

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hello nightowls... i haven't been around much... that's cuz it's finals and shit at school...

not that i've been studying a lot or anything... the only real test i have is in math, and i've come to the conclusion that the only way i'll pass that class is by completely copying off the people next to me...

so yeah, basically it means i've had a lot of free time the last few days... i have 2 weeks without an english class, so i've been taking advantage of that and reading all the shit i've been wanting to read but unable to because of stupid books for english getting in the way...

so i'm off to read somemore before passing out...


oh, and i've been dorking out in photoshop even more than usual, so here is the result of today's dorknesstocity:


i invite all the nightowls to smoke a cock:
















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heeeeelo owls

dam feels like i aint been on here for a while, wait is has been 5 days after all . hospitals suck ass, been in there the last five days, i fractured my spine in 2 different places. :( it really hurts. i was drunk on saturday night and something tipped me over the edge, so i jumped from a 2 story place with a rope around my neck, the knot i tied to the place didnt hold the best and it came undone, causing me to come crashing to the ground and fuck my spine up. yay! the guy beside me had been in there for 3 mnths, he had a motor cycle accident, 3mnths wood drve me insane!

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Originally posted by krie

something tipped me over the edge, so i jumped from a 2 story place with a rope around my neck, the knot i tied to the place didnt hold the best and it came undone


umm krie... are you happy? i mean a rope around your neck isnt the best idea

hope your alright

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Originally posted by When

i swear if we ever get a nightowl party going on

were all going to end up hurt and or in jail



oh can we please do this , be so much fun

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Originally posted by When

umm krie... are you happy? i mean a rope around your neck isnt the best idea

hope your alright



im orite now, my bak is in alotta pain. im happy at times, pretty much when im not at home, out with mates drinkin, or when im with my girl. she makes me feel #1.


being at home isnt the best for me, me and my dad are constantly throwing fists at one another, my brother is just an ignorant lil shit and my mum, well she the only one that sorta trys to hold things together but it doesnt work so she just leaves wen we start fighting..

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im 18 this year. i wont be able to work for around 3mnths till my back heals up. if i had a full time job id be outta home n lookn for my own place, but i dont have one, and wont have one for three months. my dads only bout 5 foot 7, im 6 foot 3, so im alot taller and i have opened cans of woop ass on him before. the height i thinik gives me an advantage over him. its pretty even fights tho. i got no were else to go so i stay here. few months bak i left for a week or so. slept at my girls place for the week, i kinda felt like a burden upon the family so i just went home in the middle of the night one night. if only i had the cash to have my own place.. :(

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Originally posted by krie

yeah you showed me , looked good. i needa get my truck, then ill have something too do. wont have so much spare time on my hands..


yeah i like it

hell yes you need to get a truck

it will take over all of your spare time and money

but its well worth it, trust me

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i know

but i think thats wot im lacking in tho, i dont have a hobbie ? i cant think of one thing i actually do religously threw out the week ? i think if i had a truck i think, well i know id work on it religously threw out the week. would help me out in boredumb and mentally alot..

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mmm yes


im borddd someone talk to me,..


its weird, i didnt wanna tell anyone except my girl whot had been going on in my life, but she knew most that had been happenin, yet i can say it on here ? i hate shrinks!

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Originally posted by krie

its weird, i didnt wanna tell anyone except my girl whot had been going on in my life, but she knew most that had been happenin, yet i can say it on here ? i hate shrinks!


its fine, were all like family

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