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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

pit bulls fucking rule...me and some of my drinkin buddies found one wondering the streets and we played witht hat fucker all night til its owner came lookin for it...such a cool dog.


i hate that, you almost wanna tell the guy "fuck that this is my dog".


my brothers got two pit's, chewy baca and sintada, it means driftwood, straight from dante's inferno... both dope red nose's...

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cant think at the moment, but something to do with how they are being enviromentally friendly, and like wot they take out of the enviroment, they put bak into it..


if that helps

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

pit bulls fucking rule...me and some of my drinkin buddies found one wondering the streets and we played witht hat fucker all night til its owner came lookin for it...such a cool dog.

did you meet my friend katie (i think... i can't remember her name... crap... the stripper girl...) who came to dave's party that first weekend i was down there?

she had this tiny little kitten with her that she found earlier that day... tiny little thing, and it would just chill... i remember sitting on dave's front steps and it just circled my ankles for like 20 minutes... finally it tuckered out and katie carried it around for the rest of the party in an empty budweiser case...

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dont u hate it wen ya girlfriend gives u a silent treatment, like my girl anit given me the full treatment just saying the bare minimal to me, and it makes u think wot have i done ? wen blatently u have done fuck all...grrr~!

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haha i do that shit when im mad..i wont say anything at all, i've always been like that i just get queit but only to people i care about and shit cause i would just rather keep my mouth shut then ramble on and say stupid shit out in anger..but it works the best at pissing them off!

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

pit bulls fucking rule...


yes they do. i had a pit when i was younger

his name was elvis, and he fucked or fucked up every other dog in the hood

then one day he disappeared, i think the neighbors killed him or took him somewhere

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ive never had a dog, but always wanted one. a muscle dog, like a pitbull or a staffie or doberman. short haired dogs are the best, hate the long haired pussy dogs that cant stand up for itself

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that sucks. i knew a guy who had an albino pit named baby she was so sweet she would always sleep next to the baby as if shes protecting him. I miss my rottweiler named Saint, my dad has him i didnt get to take him with me when i moved cause noone wants a huge ass dog at their house ..bleh

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i like pits with natural ears and tails, although clipped pits look tuff and tough. i've always wanted a dog, so i can name him "gus", just sounds perfect to me....


when, hows your faded level, i'm actually pretty mellow tonight, two beers and steady blazing...

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Originally posted by ragsoe505

when, hows your faded level,


i was piss drunk at work today, i got off work at 10:30

came home took a nap and now im barely feeling it

but i dont have anything to drink so ill stay in this sober state tonite

i really dont feel like going to the store

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Originally posted by When

arent they called a full mastef?

ive seen a few of them and they are crazy big



yeah bull mastiff... my rott faught the next door neighbors 2 yearold 160 pound one..when he was only 8months tough lil fucker.. it was a horrible dog fight the dog Angus grabbed my dog by his ear and was dragging him back and forth across the concrete..but somehow my dog grabbed onto his throat and he had a huge ass gash and we had to pay for vet bills. wack. it sucks how you cant break up dog fights.

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