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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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eh... i probably should know about cars.... seeing as how 2 of my uncles do stock car racing on the amateur tracks in north carolina..... one of those 2 builds go-karts as well... and 99% of my family is the usual greasy hillbilly type.. and they all work on cars... except for that one aunt that turned super mormon and moved to utah.... she hates the entire family and says we're all hethens and that we're going to hell... oh well..

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Originally posted by cornelius

she hates the entire family and says we're all hethens and that we're going to hell... oh well..


I really think that almost every family has one of these relatives...The one that tells your mom or dad that your a devil child and that you should be burned at the stake for dropping his/her cat of the balcony with its legs tied up so you could see if it could escape like houdini and land on its feet...

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ah.... i've got one of those too.... but i was flushing her kitten down the toilet.... that was back when i was about 3 or 4... but this aunt is super mormon..... so she's not into anybody in the entire family because we all pretty much don't make religion a top priority in our lives.... she's probably got 12 husbands and 8234 kids.... but oh well..... i'm gonna go chill out in hell with my laid back relatives..... i'd rather not be in heaven watching plays with the mormons on why stealing makes me feel bad.... ughh

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my cousin...


is hardcore into some biblethumpin

anytime i see her i act as evil as possible (not hard to do).

she tells me about how i 'must be saved'

and how i 'live a life of sin' but what fun is life without all the fun shit?

NONE! needless to say, i hate her

shes even going to some brainwash cult bible college

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Originally posted by cornelius

unless she's learning history of theology and philosophy...


she doesnt have the brain capacity for such things

my family thinks she is smart but she is as dumb as a sack of crackrocks. im pretty sure she only got into religion because people will be her friend and it gives her some bullshit to hang on to when her life ends. i laugh at her constantly.

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hahaha.... damn that's garbage.... what would bible college teach you anyway? what skills would you have after graduating? what if you got a job working at some engineering company and you needed to do some measurements? what would you write down??? i don't think "WWJD" would cut it in the real world.... and i think the J-Man would want you to get a fucking life and live for yourself and not waste your time with a bunch of con-artists..

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Originally posted by WhenOne


i miss my bike :(

some shitbag stole it

i might just have to steal someone elses


a vicious cycle


I tottaly agree...its weird how that cycle works...I know if i grab up my bolt cutters ill only wake up to find that someone else owns bolt cutters...

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Originally posted by IntangibleFame


What if you fail? Do they banish you, and report you missing to authorities?



they probably put you in the dungeon and whip you until you see jesus

then if you dont they slice your throat in the name of god and do dances around your lifeless body (but they keep your wallet) then they divide your body and blood up into tiny servings for the rest of the student body to devour (theyll say that its 100% original jesus blood). then they will go back to their rooms and cackle late into the night while sifting through your wallet.

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since Smart has me on a search for bear jokes ill post this one


There’s a Christian who’s hiking in the woods one day when he comes upon an angry bear.

The bear stood up on its hind legs and growled ferociously, clearly preparing to charge.


In panic, the Christian started to run, but the bear followed close on his heels.


Finally the hiker came to a cliff. So he dropped to his knees and asked God to please make this bear a good Christian bear.


To the hiker’s amazement, the bear suddenly stopped growling, fell to his knees and folded his paws together in prayer!


"Thank you, Lord!" exclaimed the Christian.


"Thank you, Lord!" exclaimed the bear, "for this meal I'm about to receive!"

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