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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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yeah. My mom called up at the hospital to check on my pa and things are getting worse. He had to go back on his vent, his brain is still swollen, his blood pressure is rising, They had to restrain him because he was trying to move around too much as he was coming out of sedation. They have him on morphine hever hour and a half so that is keeping him sedated. He almost pulled out one of his chest tubes yesterday evening.


I found that out and paced holes in my carpet til i decided I had to go out and destroy.

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i just woke up...I used that wonderful invention known as tylenol PM to put me to sleep..but I think I took many because though I can't sleep anymore i am having muscle spasms and I feel a little tipsy.


I took 3 and then right before I went to bed I took 2 more so I would sleep more than 2 hours.

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he's doing a little better. My mom said that even though he's still a bit doped up he still knows whats going on. She said that she asked himif she he knew she was there and he shook his head and little andsqueezed her hand. She also mention my nephew (his grandson) and he smiled. He was running a temperature of 101 last I heeard. His heart is recovering great but he has been having some kidney problems. He is doing better so I am happy about that.

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Well I hope he continues to get better man.


Last night I stayed up playing Bond since my girl didn't come over. I haven't been getting much sleep anways. But today my dad wakes me up a 10am to help him move some stuff. So I got about 4 hours of sleep. I haven't been sleeping at too much lately. I got grab some more NY quils or something. But all day today my eyes were bloodshot. I looked like some fiend that had been tweaking for weeks. I guess handling a bar-b-que a few hours today and all the smoke didn't help either.


By the way I just finished Bond Agent Under Fire today after having my PS2 since Wednesday. I am officially a fucking dork or have extremely good thumb reflexes.

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