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Everything posted by 6Pennies

  1. AZ's was called up to help restock grocery stores. It seems to have worked as inventory and supplies (along with purchase limits) seem to at regular levels. I have not seen a NG member or vehicle in public during the day.
  2. Zero panic here. Anymore or ever..... more resignation than anything--damed if you do, what if ya don't? I understand your math (though a tad Vulcan 😉. The world has stopped for this fuckin' virus (except Russia?). The damage is done. The longer we quarantine, the longer we have to extrapolate some meaning. I'm not looking for the power grab any more, but the paradigm shift(s). There are lessons to be learned about family and authentic communication, what is truly important vs wild consumption, and, I believe, the environment. One can only hope anyway. Because nothing will be the same, nothing is going back to what it was. Maybe that is really the power grab.....
  3. I am a nightmare walking, psychopath talking, king of my jungle just a gangsta stalking....
  4. I have not seen a single person with a TP mask on....
  5. Well the dolphins swimming in Venice canals turned out to be fake news.... But, Mortgage breaks for a year: https://www.npr.org/2020/03/19/818343720/homeowners-hurt-financially-by-the-coronavirus-may-get-a-mortgage-break?fbclid=IwAR1OpLW_SUMimzwxu3Rk8wSPfihNbF69qid6E4hzq0sWLeaknhqIYyzujJs Tax filing deadline extended to July: https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-extends-individual-tax-filing-deadline-to-july-15-11584713903?mod=e2fb&fbclid=IwAR2LnAhRYyrOk7jXxbb5tLTiaEVYuZGAaUb0Sg02WRCkDCpcAm1Sw146zvY Pollutions levels rapidly fallling: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-51944780#_=_
  6. That shit is scary. I realize this not the exactly a totalitarian situation. But, this is not America. I wouldn't be surprised if some militia or lone wolf wanted to play boogaloo.....
  7. Something a colleague told about her daughter: she was laid off, but is guaranteed her job back when we are allowed back outside. Her employer her wanted her to collect unemployment instead of sitting around not getting paid. Certainly this is not true for everyone, but adds another layer to the discourse.
  8. I'm the English Department Chair (community college). We are all supposed to work at home, only essential employees on campus, definitely no students. Or, staff and faculty are permitted on campus if they need access to computers, certain technologies and equipment etc. Even though none of the parameters apply to me, I've been putting full days in the office. The faculty that are coming into my department probably don't meet the parameters either, but I know most of them are seniors living alone and/or do not have family. Though we keep to our individual offices and have conversations at a distance, I know they are coming into primarily not to be alone during this time. In fact I am unable to get work done myself bc we end up having long conversations about everything. One of the faculty actually fell on campus over the summer broke her ankle, was unable to get herself up, and so laid on the hot burning concrete until someone found her. I can tell they are afraid. Some of them are fighting tears when I get in and ask them how they are doing. I've given them my number, I let them know I will be in the office everyday this week, I bring them donuts and take out, I text them in the evening to check up on them. This morning, I found myself fighting back tears as I pulled in and saw the same 7 cars already in the parking lot.
  9. While the world has stopped as far as human terms are concerned, there seems to be an immediate positive impact on the environment....
  10. Right? But, they're like fuck it we "making our money until we forced to stop!" Heard he played to a crowd that was half of the tickets sold....
  11. I did. But we also saw him in September at the Telluride Blues & Brews Fest 🙂
  12. Well, we skipped Fogerty.... Wife just was not at all comfortable going. The concert was at an Indian casino and they get to ignore state mandates if they want. No one gets a refund and the casino is still open for business....
  13. Bro, (to continue with the sarcastic generalizations), practically the entire East Valley (PHX Metro) is Asian. BTW Asian and Mexican markets still have plenty of TP and rice....
  14. It feels eerie going out to run errands.... And, though I believe in the necessity of social distancing at this time and that this virus is particularly dangerous, I still can't help but sense that something more nefarious is afoot. And, even if we did go see John Fogerty tonight, would the vibe be killed?
  15. We feel like we almost have to keep it secret bc people and "friends" will judge us. But.....
  16. Daughters' school closed indefinitely after Spring Break. We still took our spring break trip to Joshua Tree NP. Of course our family was very socially distanced. The park was rather empty and our Air BnB was remote sitting on 5 acres. We are fully stocked on supplies to a level we are comfortable with. Though I did have some trouble re-upping on TP (seriously we were getting low, not trying to stock reserves). Finally found/bought 8 single rolls at the local Water & Ice Store. There were 25 total and the cashier was shocked I didn't by them all. My family can be packed and ready to camp out in the desert within 2 hours. We have enough supplies to camp fat for about 14 days or so. March 30th Rage Against the Machine concert postponed until mid-August John Fogerty concert tonight is still scheduled to happen. My wife and I are still planning on attending......
  17. School districts in Arizona are shutting down one by one.....
  18. Just got back from a Spring Break trip to Joshua Tree with the fam. Shit got real for me very quickly. ADMIN is extending spring break one more week for all students. Faculty & staff still need to report to prepare for contingency plans and to move all face-to-face classes (that can) to an online delivery. One of my adjunct professors just notified me that she and her husband are sick since Saturday and have requested tests. We're like Allen, we bought a little bit extra of what we would normally use/consume: water, TP, dried oats, rice, propane......
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