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Everything posted by glorydays

  1. the news are saying that the death toll is exponentially climbing that means the people who have gotten the virus, gotten fully sick from it, and have held out for weeks are passing away fucking hell
  2. I really don't care if you're right, left, up, or down politically but i've been noticing that some of the more conservative of the right ARE ACTUALLY ARGUING THAT THE LOCK DOWN AND 6 FOOT REQUIREMENT IS THE GOVERNMENT TRYING TO TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHTS Now, I want to tell the government to go fuck itself just like the next guy, but the fact that anyone is actually claiming QUARANTINE IS OPPRESSION is fucking retarded. these are the same dumbasses that don't think the virus isn't serious
  3. You're right...I'm just looking at the MSM numbers
  4. almost 7000 dead...it's holding at a 10% death rate
  5. the shelter in place and the social distancing is actually making a difference. TRUST THE PROCESS
  6. i can see that being a trend...i can see why the stock price kind of leveled off also. i think people are spending their "quarantine" outside more
  7. i invested in all streaming platforms...they're performing well but not that great considering
  8. Italian engineers rebuild snorkels for medical masks
  9. Other states will be going thru el nino. Hopefully natural disaster season will put the numbers right again
  10. A change in weather might help bring the curve down.
  11. it was just a perfect storm of circumstances plain bad fucking luck...a super flu out of nowhere
  12. and i do sound hard left, but my friends are all laid off what are they gonna do? they get state unemployment...overwhelm that system idk...this is just me empathizing i grew up poor...i know what hunger feels like
  13. being forced home, laid off, and not earning any money by the government is 1 thing but then denying them a relief fund that, like @Dirty_habiTsaid, would be temporary is, i believe, just straight cruelty relief from being evicted, paying bills while jobless, getting medical care and basic necessities is a job that the government should be taking care of there will not be a vote if the people are all dead
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