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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Sage, with a pinch of cayenne so they feel the heat but won't get burned.
  2. * * * * * YOU! Yes, you! Glad you're finding your fr8, or your friend's fr8. Right click save, share with your buddy or whatever, that's what it's there for. But PLEASE, stop throwiing that shit up on your social media accounts that say where you're from and are open for all to see. Bad, bad move for you- and others as well. Kind of like a suicide bomber, blowing yourself up and taking everyone around you with you. * * * * *
  3. Know someone on here must have heard of migas. Kind of like chilaquiles, got put onto this in TX years ago, then never saw again until yesterday. This could have been better but did the trick at the moment.
  4. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/wrestler-jimmy-superfly-snuka-dead-73-article-1.2947005 [ATTACH=full]218839[/ATTACH]
  5. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/wrestler-jimmy-superfly-snuka-dead-73-article-1.2947005
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