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Back In 88

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Everything posted by Back In 88

  1. Fuck these Dr Pepper and Bombay gin ads. Never bought the shit before but definitely will not be buying it now it's fucking up my 12oz experience. If I wanted to watch a video advertisement I'd go to youtube.
  2. Well this has been constructive. Seriously
  3. Well I currently don't have a job but jurne has a blog, so does dmote, form, atome, set, dems and sirum to name a few. I take a healthy interest in graffiti. Cheers for the input but.
  4. What I'm about to say has nothing to do with the original purpose of this thread, but then again neither does anything on the last few pages so... Any of you guys know how to amalgamate all the blogs you look at onto one page? Like I'll be looking through about 10 blogs everyday and gotta go into bookmarks and open each one of them shits. If there's a way to somehow enter URLs and get all the blogs displayed in one place it'd make things a lot easier. For your troubles
  5. Blee' dat. I remember you banging that creamy jugged chick from school that I put so much ground work in to. :spin: Which part is exaggerated, the part where you lay down or the bit where you started talking?
  6. Was banging a girl in a hostel bunk in Berlin and crime stoppers walks in, lays down in the bed opposite mine with his head facing towards us and starts chatting. After I was done the dude who'd been in the bunk above me told me it was like being on a rough boat ride. I wanna go back to Europe.
  7. Man I love a good public toilet. Coat that shit in toilet paper and half fill the bowl, it's like sitting on a luxury toilet paper pillow lined throne. Then you go to town and don't need to worry if that shit won't flush... it ain't your problem!!! http://www.moviepoopchute.com
  8. ^^^Dope. This page is looking fresh
  9. Is the glass half empty or half full? :confused:
  10. Unemployment will do that to ya protester. That sever was out the back of metro city on roe st. Think there was another one somewhere too... Nice flicks dopes, got any older argue and sulk flicks, maybe hone?
  11. I wanted to punch him at 2:42, 1:10, 1:09, 3:52, 5:40, 6:05, 7:00, 7:01, 4:40 and every other second between 0:00 and 9:37.
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