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Everything posted by WallSlayer

  1. They do look pretty sick. But the fact they are not intended to be worn is obviously a bit of a down point. I think I would just rather pay $100 on a pair of adidas high tops anyway, more of an adidas man than a nike man. I suppose if I had the cash I would buy a pair of the mags just because it goes to charity and they would be nice to keep for posterity.
  2. The photo of the high heeled foot is absolutely disgusting. Its going to take a while to get that image out of my mind.
  3. I am so hungry, but so lazy that I am not doing anything about it so I am looking at your photos of food. It is only making me feel hungry. I think I need to eat something soon or a may faint.
  4. I can recommend Certified Banger to anyone who is interested in UK hip hop. Has quite a lot of good reviews and also some good previews and news as well. I don't work for them, I just recently discovered them which is why I am enthusiastic.
  5. I am reading Pygmy by Palahniuk. I really don't like it, but I cannot start a book and not finish it.
  6. I think the problem with organised religions is that they have basically been adapted and have "evolved" through the last few thousand years. I mean the idea of Jesus Christ is present in religions other than Christianity and also pre-date the conception of this religion too. It is sort of strange that people are willing to accept something as verbatim which apparently occured thosands of years ago, when we would be extremely sceptical when it comes to anything else which apprently "happened" during this time. This doesn't mean spiritualism should not occur, but the idea of anyone having worked out what the complete truth is cannot be proved. I believe in a higher life and possibly life after death because it makes life pointless to do otherwise. But I do not follow any organised religion.
  7. I've been listening to a lot of Atmosphere recently, I really like the tune called Shoes off Seven's Travels. I have also been listening to Gur's Jazzmaster series quite a lot too. They're really nice albums.
  8. In the last 120 years or so it is too difficult to pick a certain year it would have been best to have been born in because you're going to be young for some good stuff then too old for some good stuff. So really I think being born when I was is fine. When it comes to past civilisations the quality of life was so poor then unless you were born into a privledged life you would be hustling every day. So I don't know really, to be born in like 1970 could be cool lots of changes with the wars not really affecting you too personally, also you'd be in your teens when hip-hop is starting to boom.
  9. Its all about Lord Finesse and also KMD when it comes to the early 90's stuff. Finesse's Funky Technician is such a great album.
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