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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. not if you spell like a retard and are on here tryin to talk down to people. you a victim of the grammar police real quick.
  2. go work out around 8 ,9am and you will sleep regualr that night.
  3. this would be perfect for a guest house / football sunday party crib you rent monthly with 6 or 7 of your homies, so when you bag a bitch at a bar you can take her back there and bang out. then wake up and go home to wifey. Living here 24 7 = suicide by heroine @ 31.
  4. just stop, youre making yourself look stupid now. You have no idea what Ive contributed to this game, and its not for you to know in here, thats why its eating you up inside for over a week now. My people on here who know me, are laughing at you cuz I dont entertain your nonsense. Stay on topic, if you wanna stick up for someone whos biting POSE, then I'll squash you again, but if all youre gonna do is talk about racking paint or showing how big your dick is then Im going to ignore you, or just clown on you. and lastly, Im not a "toy" because you say so, but youre acting like a toy by jockin' me for seriously over a week now. get a life.
  5. everyones pussy, if you ask someone else. agree to disagree, or just kill each other.
  6. actually, i still got faith, what I am over is fuckin vampires. seriously.
  7. who gives a fuck. youre more concerned with being a tough guy then proving a point. who cares? ID was the biggest toy of the 90's, everyone knows that and knew that then! And yes2 did a ton of fuckin damage all city from tags in cutty spots everywhere! not heavy like others may have been known for, but for a white boy from uptown that kid went in. id did toy tags at fame spots and tunnels btwn 2 stations on the L train. LMFAOOOO. great career! pffffffffffffffffffffff... compairing yes2 to id is a complete joke. dont waste your testoserone 238th.
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