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Posts posted by 50million

  1. My girlfriend found a nickel bag in the parking lot of a gas station once.


    My brother found a quarter of bud in a walmart parking lot once.


    In the 70's when my dad worked at a state park or camp ground he found a decomposing dead body in a trash bag in the woods.


    i find this shit, even full ass needles of blood or black tar on the street all the time. even near schools.


    ahhh bay area....





    so weird about the pr0nz being found in random ass spots. makes sense though. pervs gotta get away from their bitchy ass wife and kids...drop the evidence somewhere hidden!



    that reminds me, in uc santa cruz there is a community 'bowl' in the woods. it's a big ass steam roller (a-hem http://www.superpiece.com/photos/steamrollerhpsr1.jpg ) and it's packed when you get there, and you pack it when you leave! it's been there for years...

  2. Italy, the midwest, and more girls than usual.





    right whats up with this? a bunch of my friends are like, meet this dude, gotta introduce you to this guy...i found one that is a mutual friend with another friend. but im getting laid more this week than i have in years. its pretty sweet.

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