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Posts posted by 50million

  1. word, he seemed like a really cool cat. some girl was there with huge boobs and seemed 127% crazy and had some beef with you, cant remember why, because i was drunkish and wasnt taking her seriously. but i did let jugs know youre my bff and i had your back 110%. the boys there said you may have put them in weird situations, at times in the past, but you were always there for them whenever they needed you and you were that nigga. muah!



    ps shai introduced me to a certain fella that youre crew/lovers with. i told him you said i could be nbb. really? no. but he did have muscles that definitely have potential to crush faces and hearts. i played it cool and didnt compliment him on his muscles, tho. but i wanted to. wrenching on stuff is a great way to increase the mass of your forearms. make em BIG and you-know-what. yup, SEXY.


    also met a big black guy with a tattoo of walter from the big lebowski, holding a gun, with the text "this is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass". /nh on a big gay black guy showing me his buttcheek tattoo.


    was a productive day yesterday. drinking ice tea right now to get rid of my dehydration, so my chest muscles can repair themselves quickly and theyll be even BIGGER and SEXIER.



  2. The last few pages of this thread have sucked balls. And the chimney sweeper looking girl has already been posted in this thread. Stop reusing old shit. And all these tampon having faggots posting need to get their own thread.


    Suicide girls go in the suicide girl thread.

    Random redhead chicks go in the ginger girl thread.

    Big booty bitches go in the big booty bitches thread.

    Asians in the asian thread.

    You johnny come latelys are fucking annoying.

    Where the fuck's the mods? I know you guys keep this shit clean.



    THere's literally already a thread for every girl in the urban outfitter ads.This ones for artistic photographs and lovely girls. Not bitches you want to hate fuck in half. And you guys trying to derail this shit are on my nuts. Few more pages of this kind of trash and I think I'm gonna call it quits.







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