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Everything posted by DurkStevens

  2. Yep^ Happend to me today. I would say the story but i dont wanna get cool story bro'd :lol: :lol:
  3. It would have...but I was lookin for advice. I got what I needed tho it seems like. I keep it up on what goin down...
  4. I'm 24'd but prop will be givin when/if i can..
  5. wrod when i meet up with the driver i tend to keep cool and not get people mad even if im kinda questioning em...Im gunna say that if you were the passenger would you want to get pushed with shit that wasnt your?? NO. thats what i thought fuckface;)
  6. Exactly...I plan on meeting up with the driver and it will be brought up..I was drinkin with some friends yesterday night and the passenger was there. That's how i found out the driver is straight fuckin up...
  7. I want to but I'm still on "good terms" with both...I try not to get into shit i dont need to be involved in but if something involves me or i need to step in........... I'll be sure to tell em e. broccoli hater smakey kimjung and shai are gunna fly to Dc to beat your ass:lol: And I'll be sure to throw out the kidnap the cops family shit..haha
  8. No kiddin...the driver is no snitchin to death but He would never throw himself under the bus for other people...like a bitchass...
  9. At least this kid...The thing is we can hound em all he wants but what he does is gunna be pushed into his favor it seems like but my friend(the passenger) said "Yo man im not snitch and know that never and dont want to be one but this shit is fucked, and talkin to HIM aint doin shit so im kinda stuck...."
  10. Im sure they were about to smoke while drivin around..
  11. Im not sure about the innocent ones lawyer..I know he has one. I dont know how good tho. The driver has a good as shit lawyer....the driver was put up for 2 charges, dui and possession. the passenger just possession. I think the passenger might have another possession...I think more than an eighth less than a half O??
  12. To be honest the driver is a mad chill dude but hes selfish and a fuckin jew... He was like DUDE IM ALREADY GETTIN A DUI! I get one charge you get the other its fair! and my other friend said But dude i wasnt drunk and the weed was yours..the driver beats around the bush and hangs up....
  13. It wasn't in his pocket it was under a seat...
  14. I'm pretty sure both have a charges already. i know one has a DIP...the driver..
  15. I dunno chances are he wouldnt let em and the passenger doesnt have a license...
  16. I would beat the shit outta him too...
  17. Two people I know were out one night driving somewhere. The driver was drunk and had weed in the car. The dude in the passenger seat was sober and didnt not have any drugs or anything on em at the time.. The driver was speeding and got pulled over. Pigs smell alcohol he gets a DUI. Then they searched the car and the found the weed. Neither of em said shit. Both of em got a possession charges also. They both got lawyers. The kid that was clean thought that the kid who was driving would take the fall for HIS OWN weed. The dude drivin' called em a few days later and was like "DUDE IM PROBABLY GUNNA GET MY WEED CHARGE DROPPED!!!" My other friend was like wtf... cuz now hes gettin fucked with the weed that wasnt even his... does the kid take the blame for shit thats not even his or "tell" and not fuckem self over?? Hold stop snitchin' signs please....
  18. is English your first language?? i hope not...
  19. JAMBE! ...creepy dolls... good shit..im drunkkk im goin to bed..good night kiddoss...,
  20. http://www.jerksinyourarea.com/2009/09/weird-and-strange-request-55-clinton-twp/ wtf..:confused:
  21. I'm lovin' these make thread and post boobs for no reason time thing..preeeetttyyy aweeesssomee.... As for wisdom teeth i got perks and ate em all in a few days...the awesomeness for those few days was not worth the pain after i ran out.... wasn't terrible but wasn't worth it...the first thing after i got them out was went and got some sweet n sour chicken...it was hard to eat but meh...
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