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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. ^ some dude I was walking to the bar with told me how much he hated this shit speaking to the flick above. He said it was bullshit, and they are all jerks ruining the community and how he hates to see it, blah blah blah..... I didn't comment, but went back to flick the dopeness the next day. word up homies on the stylish hands.
  2. great colors on that taf blockbusta!
  3. that dude in the suit has a great head of hair.
  4. go stie! still laughing about that video they made with mobb deep playing over it. so corny.
  5. uh huh. anyone got any other flicks from the raritan line? lots of cool random stuff along it. but could never get a good look.
  6. cro, the dude was asking nicely for flix, I don't understand why you got all defensive. and feetz, stop causing waves. here's some flicks for y'all. SLEAZY DOES IT.
  7. [imghttp://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m56dwzQSoF1rxt7jlo1_1280.jpg[/img] look at ned flanders over here.
  8. he really stepped up his nonsense by making that his username. dedication right there.
  9. backwards stussy "S". pushing it to the next level.
  10. not doing so hot. been drinking and listening to sad old country songs. loneliness is a bitch. shitty job adds to it. been too pessimistic lately in general. But some people have been showing me how an optimistic life view works wonders. Maybe I just gotta stop being so negative. I need something more to at least to balance things out.
  11. gotta be paying attention if you're inside that house and walk outside those doors. that's a two-story drop right there!:scrambled:
  12. from the front page. took this a year or two ago, holdin up well. Hope you are in peace Adam, you've done more than you'll ever know here on earth. A true role model, and a pioneer. utmost respect.
  13. it's funny how well patrick fits in with them.
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