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Everything posted by stealthyxcougar

  1. hahaha move aside 4chan, 12oz is fb bumpin' now!
  2. payback's 100% right, but that fill's still pretty trippy haha
  3. cruise, i feel like i should be listening to mayhem or burning witch every time i see "demonic knights." it's cool though, i like those bands and i'm down with satan
  4. seke, the fill looks good, and the e's look much more uniform, but the s is disproportional to the rest of the letters. i think i'd open the top loop of the s up, and maybe kick the top of the k back in. i think that it's a huge improvement from the other stuff i've seen though. and like i said, that fill's cool
  5. definitely should've used a yellow or orange for the forcefield. some warm color to contrast with all of the blues, greens and purples. the neon kind of cheapens everything. gotta keep it classy!:D
  6. i say he should just read through this thread, see the advice that's been given to other people and apply it to himself
  7. why has there never been a topless girl in any of the spots i go to!?
  8. i like that neoh, backgrounds kind of weird, but the letters and colors look good
  9. devour that's ill as fuck! both your piece and the battle
  10. ^that shit makes me sad, drove by there today and it doesn't even look like the same place
  11. ^^agreed, that's probably one of the best arin's i've seen
  12. awzk, on the last one you should make the top of the t bend more and have rounded corners like the your o and c. i would also not have the bottom of the second leg of the a stand flat. i think it would have more personality if it was rounded and kind of at an angle
  13. ^ agreed, i'm not too sure about having the double arrow at the beginning, and i'd work on keeping the width of your letters just a little more consistent, but other than that it has pretty good flow and makes sense
  14. i'm glad that lude finally got covered up!
  15. yea that rek six is nice as fuck
  16. the ele is cool, you could always flip the k, that may fix the spacing issue. idk, i like having a fourth letter, just feels sort of right to me haha. just a thought
  17. girl's obviously just trying to get "her coon tails and snakies"
  18. no doubt, i was looking through some earlier stuff he's done and it was pretty nice, i just figured i'd throw my two cents in about this one
  19. not gonna lie, none of those letters flow or go with each other at all. i think you were just trying to do too much in this one, the K's leg overlaps weird, the I has an awkward bend, the L has some potential, the O has too many points and is way too thick for the other letters, and i would point out things you could improve in the Z, but there's a demon feather thing in the way. think simpler, there are good ideas within the piece, but they're overshadowed by all of the little things that you need to work on
  20. they're both looking pretty good, i'm not sure about the top leg of the k being split like that, but other than that i think that piece flows nicely. the davie's 3d is a little off, other than that i'd give it a job well done
  21. haha, "i know i got haters out there":what:
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