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Everything posted by stealthyxcougar

  1. i was just throwing my two cents in and sharing what i know has worked for me. sorry if you don't like my constructive criticisms, in the future you won't get any.;)
  2. if he's getting practice, it should be on some plywood in his backyard or somewhere where few people will see. in his case though slopi still doesn't get the basics. and yes, control does come with practice, but if you have the idea of what a successful piece or throw should look like then it makes it a lot easier to produce something decent. and of course someone who's only drawn on paper can't just go out and pull a burner out of their ass, but if they've done their homework then i can guarantee you it'll look better than someone who doesn't have any idea what they're doing, and every time the people who have a solid foundation go out it will look better and better and they'll progress that much quicker.
  3. slopi you don't have basic letter structure down, so why would you go and put shitty stuff up, when you don't have to? you can have all the can control in the world but if your structure sucks then what's the point? you've still got a TON of learning to do before you should be putting stuff up, let alone try and lecture people.
  4. i'm fully aware that they're not from greensboro, but they're stuff's sick and i still think that first one's pretty proper man
  5. agreed. that first astma and purple and pink neoh look good too bump the gb guys!
  6. that fowl is so classy! wesk and that alien dude are sick too
  7. decent first attempt zen. it's good to see you trying to progress naturally as opposed to most who jump the gun and try to get super complex a few years too soon. keep at it man
  8. 3d's off on pretty much all of that, the bits don't make any sense at all and the structure isn't there at all either. not trying to upset you and open up a whole new can of eworms, i'm just stating what should be fixed so the next time it can be better. and i'd also like to know what was there before
  9. agreed! and scapegoat, i'm digging those for sure
  10. religion will be the death of us all
  11. he's just a trollin' ethug. judging by the rate he's getting his red tic-tacs he's going to get booted soon anyways
  12. slopi i think i've told you before what you need to do man. from that post it looks like you haven't headed everyone else's advice. listen when advice is given, we don't have to help you out, we're taking time out of our day to do so. look back on this thread, any advice you need has already been said, you just have to have the initiative to find it
  13. freakee dropping the cyborg knowledge
  14. conversation, no one gives a shit about your opinion, stop giving it
  15. i think you should bring the top leg of the k's up a little bit, just to make them look more like k's, and freakee's right about the extensions
  16. let's make a list as to why people are a bit perturbed 1. you went over prominent writers in your area 2. you ask for a prominent writers user name (like anyone would just tell you, ya dumbfuck) 3. the shit you've said sounds more like an oink oink piggy than that of a new writer any questions?
  17. incise, not trying to be a dick or anything, but you really need to take about 5000 steps backwards. read this thread, read the other threads, study the stuff in your area. break letters down, pay attention to letter structure. you can teach yourself a lot of this if you just take the time to do so
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