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el super

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Everything posted by el super

  1. the fantastic planet(watch it stoned, either way very trippy) dot the i the machinist night of the creeps maniac cop 1 and 2 the unnamable bad education sin nombre
  2. Mr. Cartoon AWR/Chunk Msk Texas
  3. In my sociology class daydreaming of a mythical land of gnome kings and fairies that perform sexual acts on me at will.also thinking of my Pegasus Black beauty,and how I'm flying over the mythical land of cannabisativa and unicorns projectile vomiting rainbows and pooping gold bezeltine chains, the wizards and warlocks fighting one another while the tree gods murk hobits with guillotines and I feel I can take on these fucks with my Excalibur.we shall ride and ride we shall!!!:skull:
  4. Usher and Nicky Minaj-lil freak(yeah man) fml 2010. Catchy little tune though.
  5. movies with end of the world themes where we know a group of people will save the planet at the end.why bother to watch em?
  6. nano fighters yikes pencils trapper keepers with geometric graphics game gear duck hunt alice in chains power lights l.a. gears bk knights bugle boy
  7. "i dont know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone."-Bill Cosby
  8. [ATTACH]112842.vB[/ATTACH]
  9. choc'late rain, blah,blah blah cho'clate rain
  10. "hd ees too many nais." "gud yob."
  11. "dees tread ees too many nais!!"
  12. my five favourite rappa's ah'...dylan, dylan, dylan, dylan, dylan, cause i spit hot fiyyaa!
  13. not so fast,now theres at least 18 of these threads........
  14. "what are you people, on dope?!"
  15. post any random shit words quotes talk random shit about random people describe random situations gwatever ju gwant.......
  16. take dat, take dat, its bad boy baby.
  17. "its made in germany, ya' know the germans always make good stuff"
  18. el super


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