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Everything posted by 3pac

  1. when are you get over yourself? the nineties are over. kurt cobain killed himself. when are you going to do the same?
  2. you are a horrible photographer...and have even worse taste.
  3. whats even worse, is his style looks like yours.
  4. would you guys suck a cock?...for a shot.....of your favorite dude.
  5. i bet that niggers white, only white people use word nigga.
  6. some new ill portland styles...:lol:
  7. dang, you catch some sick graffities. :eek:
  8. you mean revok didn't start this thread?
  9. i got a life and real friends
  10. informant dime dropin busters. pfffft. go kill yourselfs
  11. Re: things black people like smelling, yelling, and telling.
  12. posting self promo is for toys
  13. i also agree with gacy, i don't care for AA/NA either, but do respect its fit for others. i can live with out the cult. many, including myself have gotten to this point from some other underlying issues. not only addictive personality, but self sabotage, or lack of self worth. addressing the personal struggles is only half the battle.
  14. almost half of my friends have been in rehab this year. i am glad that after decades, they finally accepted to get support (some were terrible drunks and junkies). being under the influence 24/7, really impairs everyday coping. many have come to realize, its a dark road. only clarity, will help with this life. i have been to a few meetings recently, and have seen its worth. my outlook has significantly improved. structure and balance, along with healthy living can help with depression and other common illness. having support really increases ones chance of managing stress and avoiding personal abuse. stay positive.
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