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Everything posted by x5v1s

  1. :$: hahahahahaha fox would be oh so proud of this thread ..... bump true conservative's like Goldwater and Reagen :privateeye:
  2. i <3 them spending outta control while were all in debt .. thanks Washington .. i would also like to thanks Bush for the same fiscal irresponsible spending ... great conservative you were ..not
  3. x5v1s


    yeah sponser them ..
  4. x5v1s


    from december 2008 less tha a year old mr ironlack white is rusto ..yellow is rusto industrial . your red sucks dik period
  5. happy birthday ive put you up on every fill and every piece since you passed .. i love you bro ofw .. 639 forever
  6. is it blind ignorance ? in my humble opinion he is worse than bush he seems to be upsetting the world with his to cool for school attitude ..i'd describe it as a GOD COMPLEX and speakin of that did anyone else hear the recording of people praying to Obama .. wtf are people so stupid . no wonder people think so many weird things about this man ..and no wonder his Ego is a hemisphere all by itself ..
  7. dangit it took that to prove how stupid i am ...shit nice post tho
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