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Everything posted by Sevage

  1. Something I do from time to time is just pump out single letters by themselves Trying to make each one different and try to make the letter so it could be placed in different parts of a word to try to force new shapes of the letter. After that grab little bits from each letter that you like and combine them. Once that process is done try doing single letter with extensions, trying to give each extension a purpose or reason. I don't know if that process works for everyone but I feel like it definitely helped me out.
  2. Yeah twyst that new piece is way better, the W and Y specifically looks good man
  3. Twist with your style, I seriously think you would benefit a lot from showing your work and doing the solid bars to keep consist. here is an example I did for someone else but it applies here as well
  4. Oh shit, that's a good idea. I will probably do that if I ever go back to that sketch... Trying to shade on a large scale background is a bitch and layers like that would definitely help hide the crappy shit... Thanks homie, advice is always appreciated.
  5. The color choice and subtle page flip idea is good, but what does it say?
  6. Niiice I haven't seen a Hecz sketch in a long ass time...
  7. lost interest in this one, moving on to some pass around books instead.
  8. Holy shit, I didn't know I had to check out this thread... Everything looks niiiice.
  9. If it's in a sketchbook and he's not selling it, it shouldn't matter. It's basically someone doing homework. You can learn a lot from doing that. But he is posting it on the internet with no credit to sources... But if I draw a picture of someone else's picture do I have to give credit to the photographer? Does the photographer have to credit the people doing some funky ass yo-yo shit? Does the yo-yo person have to credit the yo-yo brand? I'm way too high...holy shit...fucking yo-yo's
  10. I like the new standard for this thread... That is fucking nice mone
  11. That is also fucking impressive.
  12. Holy shit satire.... that's impressive
  13. ^^ Fucking nice Reminds me of some of my older stuff only yours is much better
  14. Starting a new book, trying to up my game on this one and going to attempt a few two pagers. Any advice or crits from the experts would be appreciated... also when doing shit like this, if you make the characters the same colour as the piece does that just blend them together and make no focal point?
  15. I like this S but the rest of the piece is shit..
  16. That year sketch is fucking nice 5-9
  17. hahaha nice... busting out the leopard print fill looks sick shin
  18. @Satire Society does seem to promote being an extrovert, but in the end it's the introverts that create the bad ass shit. It seems to have always been this way though... I don't get where the conspiracy is?
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