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Everything posted by Sevage

  1. I don't think I've ever seen a style like that. Good job.
  2. hahaa i feel the same way... it looks good though
  3. you fuckers.... im never eating that fucking worm again...
  4. i'm tryuing to learn to draw elephants from the internet...
  5. Perts that is crazy.. I like the evolution going on there
  6. some fucking bullshit that i do i don't remember if i've posted these yet bu they are recent
  7. not sure if anyone noticed but those slaer sketches are fucking nice. props due.
  8. torch21: I think it would look better if it was a bit more consistent, meaning: Put the O and E and the same slant and same size. Shrink the E or make the O bigger.
  9. Thanks. I mostly use Prisma markers for shading and Microns for line work. Anything works though.
  10. That last red one satire, fucking love what that style has evolved into
  11. That Mosk sketch. Very nice
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