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Everything posted by Sevage

  1. you should post in the toy thread instead of this one
  2. vaughn bode will never die
  3. nice haven't seen some satire in awhile
  4. Hah yup that happens to me almost every sketch
  5. Damn nice Sketch for soph sev quickie
  6. And an S pimped out to maybe give you some ideas of crap you can do to the letters
  7. that looks much better I whipped this up befor I saw that last post... I was basically just going to say when copying fonts, make sure you learn the letter structure ie the blocks that make the letter then just play with them...hope this helps
  8. You understand 3d very well, try playing with the vanishing point just for the fun of it...ie: make it to the top right of the page instead of right in the middle of the piece your letters have zero flow or style personally I would say screw colors for awhile and do a shit ton of sketches of just letters first it looks like you understand letter structure really well, so use the blocks for the letters and extend them a bit, bend them, or play with them however you want I did a sketch to show phony what I mean, hopefully it helps
  9. Sech, if thats an S its a pretty dope S but the loop extension makes it look like an O The Ruck is real nice, the extensions I don't like are top left on the R and top left of the K I feel like if you made them the same thickness and length as the other extensions it would look alot better... the placement of them seems pretty decent though
  10. I did a soph sketch but it turned like shit, so i'm working on a new one... ...yea I ran out of space for the M on the phenom sketch
  11. holy shit... you've been holding back
  12. Pretty damn good with the markers the 3d on the P...yup
  13. yea sure, i'm just going to do soph cause i'm a lazy bastard
  14. I like that one but it needs to be cleaned up
  15. yea I want the truth...thats why I post my sketches on here and yea man im down for an exchange
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