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Everything posted by user01

  1. smokes, lighter, keys, wallet, phone, mp3 player, weed, mace.
  2. fried. wine- red or white?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLSnZjLPor8&NR=1&feature=fvwp
  4. yes very true, over 80 stitches at once before, technically i still have stitches because a lot of them were internal, TPBM has the flu
  5. yah.. then i rub one out and im ok. TPBM writes graff
  6. u dont have to compare my city to some low life who beats babies. yah we have a bad rep, but Surrey is blowing up right now, u watch, in the next 10 years, whalley will be the new yaletown. for real. Located on the Fraser River south of Burnaby in the Lower Mainland area of Greater Vancouver, Surrey, BC is the second largest city in the province. It has a multicultural population of 395,000, with more than 30% of residents having been born in other countries, most notably those in southern Asia. The city was incorporated in 1879 and named for its resemblance to the county of Surrey in England. Since then, the population and prosperity of Surrey has exploded due to its proximity to Vancouver and is expected to outdistance it in population in the next few years, which has led the city to adopt the motto "the future lives here."
  7. people call it brizzling. old school.
  8. false, i stayed up way too late though TPBM is at work, right now, slackin on channel zero wasting company time.
  9. TRUE!, ive had this pair of white dc's for 8 months and people still say, "hey nice new shoes" TPBM has to have at least 4 cups of coffee everyday or they have severe caffiene withdrawls
  10. false, i feel great today and everything i said last night was revolutionary and genius, TPBM prefers leno over letterman, for some reason.....
  11. its all about the "im rich" app, costs 1000 bones, all it does is displays a little red gem on your phone that lets people know how ballin you are.
  12. user01


    game was really disappointing to me, doesnt have that endless epic quest feel to it. all the mods are worth checking out though.
  13. user01


    i just read the article on 100 percent completion, i gotta start over now to get 60 gates closed, fallout 3 looks great but i couldnt get that into it either, it has a level cap at 20 anyways...
  14. user01


    Elder Scrolls IV: OBLIVION level 50 Redguard 250 hrs level 38 Nord 130 hrs call me out,
  15. reser all up in here, and yes, the black chick.
  16. bump the guys holding the paper, pickup truck, oversize load and flooded street.
  17. the homie MORGE homeboy IDES
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