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Everything posted by redeyedanimal

  1. dude.. this is the best news i've heard all week. I fucking love futurama. can't wait to see/buy the new season!
  2. redeyedanimal


    6 months later and still no pics from silba. c'mon man... start sketchin!
  3. false, just moved into a place with a washer/dryer. tpbm separates clothes when they wash them.
  4. false. thepbm needs to clean their vehicle.
  5. Bump that shit right there!
  6. first of all... http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=128805&page=5 KERSE BTM... RIP and... all i did was click on a link in metal heads and scroll down until i found one... usually i don't care about the name thing, but since KERSE BTM (RIP) was a king and KERSE of the steel is a king, i think it's taken...
  7. Dude, you can't write kers. I know people talk about not writing certain things a lot, but it's really not a good idea to write KERS.
  8. ha. miles has 5 red bars now.
  9. false, real false.... tpbm prefers wine over beer.
  10. false, girl's out of town for another two days. longest i've gone without in a long time. tpbm makes money without doing much actual work.
  11. good idea gone wrong. very few of these are oneliners.
  12. the person below me owns nba jam.... :D
  13. true, but i never do. Money is worth more than that to me. tpbm has a balcony in their home.
  14. ^no images man. Check ot the FAQ section on how to post pics.
  15. yeah, that shit doesn't belong in the toy thread. Good work KILOS.... Hit me up mayne.
  16. very true. and chemical addictions fuel my internet addiction. tpbm has to work today/is currently working.
  17. went to the ville not long ago, tride is everywhere in that town. I gained a lot of respect for moms when i saw all that shit in person.
  18. true tpbm has an appliance that currently isn't functioning
  19. false, but i ususally have to anyway. tpbm ate shrimp for breakfast recently.
  20. agreed. the first time there were 15 pages of pics posted in 2 days. i barely had time to see them all once, and no time to drool over them.
  21. false. Sounds lake the remnants of animals that nobody wants to eat. tpbm cares about the NBA finals.
  22. portable shitstack.... post some pics please.
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