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Everything posted by redeyedanimal

  1. so fuckin true. tpbm is watching south park and oontzing.
  2. kinda true. Only to people perpetuating stereotypes. if someone does some shit that matches the sterotype, i'm totally pissed about it. tpbm lives with their lady/man.
  3. redeyedanimal


    i just noticed that shitty hammer at the bottom of your A. that's terrible man. no beef, just my honest opinion.
  4. redeyedanimal


    keep sketchin, you got some shit to learn homes.
  5. it's for an ironlak contest, Augor R battle.
  6. kinda old... comin with some new shit tonight or tomorrow.
  7. this page is dope for the most part. JS, you gotta get a little more original man. simple, but original.
  8. trueish. Pizza is an anytime food. tpbm is truly appreciative that bojangles will serve breakfast anytime. especially at 2 pm when they're still hungover and can finally eat something.
  9. bump sicr and fowl, can't see a metalhead thread without 'em in it.
  10. "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." i'll hit you up when i'm allowed to freak. on that note, i can be harsh at times in my crits, i understand that. But there are some basic things that it gets really tiring repeating to every newcomer. I don't claim to know much about graff, but i know some of the basics. Take it or leave it, i pass the information that i have learned, especially in the past year and a half.
  11. i'm not seein it man. sorry. it's cool if you like arrows, but be careful using them... they are already played out and if you use them wrong it can destroy your whole piece.
  12. everybody is extending their 3d all the way to he vanishing point recently. That's not really how it's done. It's supposed to be pulled toward a vanishing point, but follow the outline. check some non toy shit for examples. and stop using arrows people... seriously... not cool....
  13. what the hell does that say??? WIK?
  14. ^^^:confused: :confused: :confused: ^^^ you have to get simples down man... that's pretty hard to look at, especially the 'throw' I would guess that the reason you 'better step your game up' is because you crit people and your pieces look like that... no beef, just sayin.
  15. true. Fuck myspace. it's just another public profile. tpbm doesn't have a flickr account
  16. true, but i'm still working... tpbm text messages way too much
  17. bruno, your 3d is fucked man. you're missin the two middle parts of the U and the top left of the E good job at keepin line width mostly consistent, middle of the M is wierd.
  18. yeah, i was just reading the quote next to where he wrote rasta... "what color should i make my forcefield?"
  19. haha, you got an ADHD book on your table... I wish i could still take adderall... the e and s are weak. and the forcefield should be to total opposite color of the fill.
  20. false, don't know it... and lol at the response to cherry pie... the person below myself has seen rain for more than 10 of the past 14 days.
  21. lovin the flicks, nice to see ltf movin around.
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