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Everything posted by boby678

  1. my typing sucks...because i speak french all the time,im from montreal,quebec,canada i can talk in english and i understand really good but im not bilingual at all
  2. today i receive 3 samples that i have request from the markal website,i dont know if someone already do more than one request but i have send my second request and i want to know if someone know if its possible to do more than one?
  3. i want to do some homemde oil based paint,i know that i need linseed oil and pigment but what im supposed to use for base,linseed are use to make the pigment sty on top of the mix and dont stick to the botom of the conatiners but what i should use as a base?
  4. thes is on fire lately
  5. bumpitty bump razr and nor south shore
  6. are you kidding me? if i mix the pigment with something that wont mix with what im supposed to mix for the good recipes...i'll lost my pigments...
  7. dck from montreal stand for dirty cunts kids and da cops killaz flik for talking
  8. maybe becasue my first languge is french but i dont know why you are saying this
  9. i hate when people answer this...if i ask it because i have a reason...i dont want to lost the pigment... so help me or just dont answer but don't sy find it by yourself bla bla bla i know how to mix it but i dont want to say it bla bla bla
  10. ok so i have found pearl ex pigment how i can use them,i think its suposed to be used in paint but im not sure at all
  11. hahaha nice one et jsuis sur que rival2 est sois nyle ou un de ces amis...
  12. wtf is this ...every thread lost one year...
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