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Everything posted by boby678

  1. fr is some toy from verdun ...pm me ill help you
  2. thats what im talkin bout props dra noc crew
  3. king of the castle props dra noc crew
  4. more than anywhere else!
  5. quand tu parlera francais tu viendra mecoeurer sur mon anglais... english is a second language for me so when you will speak french perfectly maybe ill get respect for ya but now fuck you! and for the answer thank you but instead of giving me shit about searching on the internet why dont you just answer me... people on the internet are so proud to know shit that they cant help ppl without arguing and be so fuckin cool... and if i ask about it maybe its because i dont want to buy the fuckin part that make the epoxy hard and want to know what can i use to replace it
  6. peu importe comemnt on le kill la ville s'entete a depenser plein dargent pour buff,jsais pas vous mais messemble que a mes yeux ya des chose qui merite detre faite avant de comemncer a buff le t.a...comme arrenger les caliss de routes qui ressemble a des champs de batailles
  7. ive found 3 gallon of rusto industrial dtm epoxy,the problem is that it never dry,its glossy and sick but i dont know what to use to make it dry...
  8. cest pas comme si y manquais de spot a montreal...
  9. trik and sake and on the silo theres 2 new roller hane and zodiak
  10. thank you and can you say me why i should do this?
  11. i know that...but it really work,it leave a ghost on the doors...not a purple ghost but more like a candle you rub aginst the door and with the sun it melt
  12. my friend tried to put linseed oil in his ink,and it work good,it leave a nice ghost when you use it,the ink by itself leave a ghost and the linseed oil leave a ghost that look like oil... its pretty good
  13. someone know how i can replace the nib on a junobo mop? i try everything and the nib just dont stay in place
  14. good thread,just some problem with the servor...
  15. etch bath and pilot=my 2 favorite tool
  16. anyway i have asked to one of my friend who dont write,its all good
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