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Everything posted by EarToTheGround

  1. It covers fine, and player? :lol:
  2. Tried out the paint, pigment was fine,unfortunately It dint come with any of the specialty only work on those cans caps(dunno about yalls,but if i started a paint company i'd try and make em as universal as possible). Pressure was way way high, no caps that fit did anything on it cuz of the high pressure. Again the color was fine but I can't see ever getting this stuff. Saw another can at the shop I picked that can up at and the bottom was all bulged out, almost blew out from all the pressure.
  3. ============================================== Moosin: [Moosin] Josh Barnes vs Travis Wiuff http://www.megavideo.com/?v=24THG6MU [Moosin] Yves Edwards vs Mike Campbell http://www.megavideo.com/?v=ZQJVWI6O [Moosin] Tara LaRosa vs Roxanne Modafferi http://www.megavideo.com/?v=9LU3Z8D5 [Moosin] Travis Lutter vs Rafael Natal http://www.megavideo.com/?v=JJZCDU6P [Moosin] Lukasz Jurkowski vs Ho Jin Kim http://www.megavideo.com/?v=GBBOV0Q9 =============================================== K1: [K-1 WGP 2010] Errol Zimmerman vs Catalin Morosanu http://www.megavideo.com/?v=TZF1LUPL [K-1 WGP 2010] Carter Williams vs Raul Catinas http://www.megavideo.com/?v=EWKJPTK3 [K-1 WGP 2010]Sebastian Ciobanu vs Mighty Mo http://www.megavideo.com/?v=239PSVZL [K-1 WGP 2010] Ray Sefo vs Ionut Iftimoaie http://www.megavideo.com/?v=1MEI7S2H [K-1 WGP 2010] Sebastian Ciobanu vs Freddy Kemayo (Final) http://www.megavideo.com/?v=JXCQ328A ===============================================
  4. Went to Mayhem last year (friend got tix) missed Whitechapel cuz i had to go back to the car cuz my wallet chain was too long and I was gonna choke people with it. Most of the bands are not my "brand" of metal. notes: Behemoth was outstanding, esp wearing all that shit in the 115 degree heat. Cannibal Corpse dint play (boo) Black Dahlia used to be way betterer. Slayer was relentless, all business. Job For a Cowboy was pretty good shit. Rest of the bands blew ass esp. Bullet and Killswitch (so not my thing) Everyone left after Slayer which I thought was top fucking notch. Was way happy I didn't pay for it. The lineup this year is utter bullshit and i will never pay for an event like this. MDF etc. is where it's at.
  5. nope,food hangover maybe. tpbm has a sick krink mop
  6. When I was 17 I decided it was time to gtfo. I had some friends in town and just went. Best decision I ever made. Prolly wanna look for another job and get all the way out of a shitty situation.
  7. Moosin starts in 20 minutes K1 starts in and hour and 20 minutes Strikeforce Challengers starts in 2 hours and 20 minutes
  9. Streaming ladies golf waiting for MMA fighting stream.
  10. Word. I'll have everyones packed and sent by mid-week.
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