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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. Re: random thoughts mr bean had some original hipster type girlfriend, in the christmas one where he gets a turkey stuck on his head
  2. Re: random thoughts haha still cant see youtube comments.. shit is beyond lame :spent3:
  3. Re: random thoughts word. we had a female model too; they switched it up. she was a bitch, though. this random middle-aged lady. not to me or anything, but i remember her talking trash to some of the student girls. my art teachers were mad funny, though - definitely got baked on the regular or used to
  4. relaxed & watching the old conviction kitchen episodes. they always chilled in the alley & it looked familiar, so looked up the shit & was like, oh, its that building
  5. Re: random thoughts in high school, we had this male model for our life drawing class. he was a tall, old dude, bald at the top with long hair to his hip everywhere else. mustve been a drunk or a junkie or some shit, because he was always casually late - walking into our class with his coffee & long coat. he would do these weirdass, upside down poses with chairs & shit, then end up looking like he was about to doze the fuh out. anyway, wasnt in class on this one particular day, but he popped a boner & was asked to leave
  6. Re: random thoughts a shower, the modern day prayer
  7. false tpbm scrapped the magic school bus for parts
  8. Re: random thoughts not that shows like this arent scripted anyway, the whole judging process is openly fucked on masterchef - how you gonna select the best of however many people every time, when you only try three of the dishes? retarded
  9. Re: random thoughts sebastian bach is actually funny in trailer park boys
  10. Re: random thoughts always so many people lurking ch.0
  11. Re: random thoughts definitely.. when they suck, they suck hard /nh. havent watched family guy in mad long, though - pretty much indifferent to it at this point
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