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Everything posted by fontist

  1. good can control etc , but the style looks like its from a graffiti website. its better to be not as good but your own work.
  2. fontist

    Paris Grime

    i want to move to paris when im older i love france but the graffiti scene just tops it off , it is a amazing place ! :)
  3. i just love bombing ! simple tags within reason not to simple but over all in no order as im from the uk you might not know some of these names tox- for getting up like absolutely EVERYWHERE panik- for his getting up ability and sick throwup cut - for the same reason at tox however cut is more artistic earsnot - just been around for agis Soe- from london for being up alot as well ! there you go not that interesting really bit thats what i like to see !
  4. simple is how it should be im not into the arty side bombing is what i like and ofcourse tags !
  5. try not hiding it and protending they have other uses . sharpies and stuff like small pilots can be easily passed off. or a pencil case if its just for markers she wont look in your pencil case
  6. in the uk rusto isnt easy to get . is other chrome paint alrite ?
  7. safe man nice one about the krink im gona have to go and try it ! :)
  8. thats sick but to be honest there is way to much going on !keep it up though !
  9. try not to put all of the gay like bars on the end of letters . keep it simple if you find it hard and the more graff you see it gives you ideas etc . try and keep your letters closer to eachother but keep writing !
  10. basically ive been writing on paper now for id say nearly a year and im getting to the point where i think i could write but i really dont want to go out and get laughed at but im also thinking that i cant write in my book for ever . my style is pretty simple block letters so do you think that i should just go for it with a simple throwup and concentrate on really getting good can control and clean lines or do you think that i should work more on my throwup and tag and then go out and write a bit . i occasionaly put up the odd tag in my local city and ive done one or two throwups but what do you think . shall i just go for it . after all alot of the biggest writers have simple designs but execute it well . do you think i should go out and write , or stay in and draw ? help would be safe x
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