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Everything posted by i'moffthywallz

  1. Re: Fuck Papa Johns. This is how I feel at work:
  2. ...she claims that she's a feminist and she even states at 35:00 minutes into the DVD that "jeez, we aren't victims." Its pretty obvious that her rape victimized her so bad that she has to bang 250 guys to prove that she's in control of her life. Feminism is all about empowerment. Well why else would someone seek empowerment if they didn't already feel helpless. Too bad there will always be slime ready to exploit young women. A true feminist would try to abolish pornography. Her self loathing is pretty disgusting. Almost like a fat person might constantly joke about his own weight, she treats herself like a whore preemptively as a defense mechanism.
  3. meng fuck hallapenos I once dipped a zig zag in jalapeno juice and dried it out and smoked grounded ginseng and went into a mild cadio arrest.
  4. i'moffthywallz


    someone make or put ideas together a western grand theft auto style game expect had cool online play with stats and upgrades. I'm going to be fucking shit up in final fantasy 14 online PSN fuckers!
  5. where does this happen? in a club or at your pad.....lol
  6. Re: My mac is reporting the oontz as an "ATTACK SITE". Anyone else?? in before the close !
  7. i'moffthywallz


    anyone heard about red dead redemption?
  8. For those who insult Clottey, let us see you fight Pacquiao Monday, March 15, 2010 By Kofi I am disgusted by the articles insulting Joshua Clottey’s performance against Manny Pacquiao. It is easy for those who never fought a day in their life to criticize a person who puts his life on the line in the ring. If you know boxing, you know Clottey’s style, he is a chess player, he waits for opening and times his shots well. When he did throw punches he landed, he was able to damage Pacquiao’s face. Clottey was more accurate with his punches than Pacquiao. For all of those who say Clottey just fought to survive or for a paycheck, how about you go in there to fight Manny Pacquiao? I know many of you will not last the first round if Pacquiao threw those fast powerful combos at you. Clottey’s defense allowed him to last 12 rounds without a mark on his face. Pacquiao is not a guy you trade punches with, if you trade with him, he will always get the better of you and knock you out. Clottey knew if he trade with Pacquiao, he will be knocked out, he was preparing to use his game plan, but he never expect that Pacquiao will be so aggressive and never get tired in there. Joshua’s defense must be praised because Manny Pacquiao threw plenty of punches but nothing was able to hit Clottey clean. Boxing is a sport. Not every fight will be a brawl, there is a science to boxing that only the real fans can appreciate. The main goal is to hit and not be hit. Show some respect to Joshua Clottey, he did his best, but a better man won.
  9. really? cause i had ur mom ur sister and ur grandma taking turns sucking me off and all 3 of sucked really hard!!:scrambled:
  10. 15 minutes till the premier from tvcountdown.com
  11. Who is the best at Insulting and comebacks! There can only be one. Example: Boss man: Where should put this? Co-worker: Up ****** ass!:mad: ******: No, we should display it in Co-worker's mouth and pull it out through his ass when we sell it.:scrambled: :D
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