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Everything posted by thrashcat

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YWgTHW2NAg chris-chan, the newest member to the juffalo family!
  2. I never said anything was wrong with them/liking them, I just think they are overrated.
  3. talking about PV in the hardcore thread put me in the mood.
  4. When I clicked that first link, I thought it was going to be brokencyde or teen hearts or some shit like that. Anyway, the mom said "dude" haha. fucking dumb kid. he probably has no friends at all.
  5. bwahaha, I bet they were also really into Ceremony and Trash Talk. I like those bands, but I mean, they are pretty fucking overrated. While we're still on the subject of PV... WEST COAST POWERVIOLENCE, LETS FUCKIN' GO!
  6. damn dude, I'd love to see bastard noise. Love that sludgy, noisy, powerviolence.
  7. yeah I didn't know they were playing that night in Everett, and we were talking to some kids who were going but we had already told some people we were heading to a party that night right now its and
  8. Obviously shopped. Cool concept though.
  9. the dude from amebix is a pretty cool guy, eh has a cool mohawk and doesn't afraid of anything.
  10. I have the flyer for this, but I hadn't seen the trailer and it just made me cum everywhere.
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