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Posts posted by abcs

  1. dear lazy professors,


    I did the damn work. How about you start grading papers and evaluating shit already?




    dear admissions people,


    whats the deal? I need to kno soon so i can start making plans





    how are you not sure what is going on?

    walt basically just handed hank a "oh hey, look for heisenburg some more.. you didn't catch me yet NA NA NA NA NA" card.

    gus made some shit happen so jesse got his groove back.

    and skylar is mad as fuck at walt for telling hank to keep looking.


    Tryin to figure out what Gus is doing with Jesse. All that make him feel like a hero type shit.

    No question about Walt or Skyler. Both of them are developing egos. You play bad you act

    bad and you act bad you play bad. Walt and Skyler with the Carwash, and last night at the end

    with Hank. Perhaps his biggest mistake yet.

  3. Dear Neighbors,


    Who/what the fuck is "dungeon baby"? I go to connect my new laptop to wireless and my laptop sees this as a beaconing wireless network. Fuck type of wierdos am i living around? Bout to start carrying a bat to the mailbox



  4. i got some classy talk befitting a juggalo thread.

    Stepped out when it started raining. All the sudden lightening

    came down in my neighbors back yard. Loudness ensued.

    almost shit myself. I had one of those. I do not need to

    be outside right now thoughts right away

  5. word. So i opened it and thee were 2 signed letters of rec in the envelope. I am going to put 1 in a fresh envelope and send mail it as though it never came thru me. Put my recommender's return addy info in the corner and address it to admissions. See i called admissions not long after i made that post and the girl said mostly the letters come from the writer and are not forwarded by the applicant. Try to avoid all problems. It was trouble enough getting these letters to begin with

  6. dear whoever knows,


    I just got a letter of recommendation. It was required for my grad school application. Am I

    supposed to send the original? Would a copy suffice? I actually just got 2 real legit letters which

    reflects the last few years of positive efforts. I sort of would like to keep them on file. In a

    portfolio type situation. Is it in bad taste to re-use references when they were gained for something

    specific? Is a reference a reference?



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