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Posts posted by abcs

  1. I get it but i dont get walt. He makes no sense. In the middle of the desert

    with a bag over his head and all he gets is fired with 1 condition. Stay away

    from Jesse. And the arrogant prick has the nerve to open his mouth and in

    not so few words say OR WHAT. So Gus lets him have it and finally tells him

    he will kill his fam. I seemed to interpret that as being what would happen if

    he was to try and fuck with Jesse. So yes... time to disappear was yesterday.

    but walt is dumb. Unless i'm wrong he misunderstood Gus and turned a mountain

    into a mountain range.

    Not exactly sure how he expected to disappear the whole family if all he had

    in addition to that few stacks was a half million dollars. Not enough money.

    Walt played the entire deal bad. He should never have tried to live a life of


  2. between walt and jesse there was always a strange dynamic. They had each others back and managed to keep one another alive but they never exactly seemed to like each other. At this point im not sure who owes who or if it even matters anymore. When Jesse killed Gale he was saving both of their skins. Walt saved Jesse when he ran down them guys selling crystal on the block. I suppose he also protected him from Gus quite a bit. Then Walt also got Jesses back when he got put in the hospital. Im not sure thats enough for the bullshit he just pulled off tho. Jesse never struck me as being all that sentimental. Walt is fast burning bridges and running out of options

  3. ya shai. I got to the bottom of it. You can only download audience recordings per the request of the remaining members of the band. Which isnt always a bad thing. Ive found great Aud recordings. That Pirate Bay tip i put out there just makes it real easy. Prepackaged, arranged sequentially by date and soundboard recordings. Download entire years at a time. Something to shake a stick at if your into it like that.

    Im not into any of that not GD thats tryin to be like GD music. The only connection i have to the GD is the music. I listen to it all day every day. I just like the music. The stuff makes me happy.

  4. my day job. The old fella has gone thru 3 pairs of depends today. Thats fine. I always make sure he has some so he doesn't forget to put em on.... which he does anyway. If i try to help him he gets mad. If I leave him to do it himself he forgets his depends. He can hardly walk let alone make it to the bathroom to piss. So lunch comes around he pisses himself. No depends all over the kitchen floor. I get him some depends and a rag to wash his legs and nuts off. He starts putting em on and pisses the new depends before i get him in his pants. I help him into the bathroom and help him into some new depends. He doesn't quite understand how to put em on or the pants for that matter but i get him in some new ones and some pants on so all he has to do is stand up from the toilet and pull em up. Instead he starts taking everything back off. At this point hes asking for help... i'm trying my best to keep a positive attitude while pleading with him to get it together.

    Thats my day job. I did just get a raise tho. Helps me pay for school.

  5. I take classes like 15 miles from home. 2 days before I have school at 7 am I call the bus people and make arrangements to be picked up delivered and returned home on the shortbus. It costs $8 roundtrip but it takes 35 minutes instead of the 3 hours i calculated the regular route taking with its 3 transfers and standing on the side of the road.

    I like this little shortbus. Im usually the only one on it. The drivers are nice. Don't have to deal with bus people and it picks me up at my door... door to door service. So fuck driving. Pop in my earphones and review my notes before class.

  6. I was just looking out my window. Seen my neighbor get home from work. Her daughter walked out of the house at the same time... As did their dog. Its a big black dog. I dont kno my dogs. So the dog went and took a shit on the lawn. Lady put down whatever it was she was carrying and walked up to the dog shit and picked it up barehand and went into the house.

    Sweet neighbors huh? They have a nice house and cars too. I didn't realize they were disgusting till just now.

  7. word. 30. Smoke expensive tree and listen to hippy music. Drink a bit much. Not in any legal trouble. Bunch of education and about to go work on masters. Working and taking classes. Think i got a touch of arthritis and my hairline ain't what it used to be. A little more responsible Escorts and baseball. No kids. Black and Mild ruined my life.

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