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Posts posted by abcs

  1. hahahah yea that MOTM is great. A little too hippy for my tastes but Hugh Heffner (sp) cracks me up. I wish he would have just said moneypenny a bunch of times so Jerry could have cheesed out harder. Dude was visibly out of his element in his own damn house. Hugh Heffner is a dominant presence and personality but then so is Jerry who just chuckled a bunch and brushed him off. Room wasnt big enough for the both of em. Hugh knew it and Jerry was too stoned to give a shit.


    never listened to any studio releases. I will check it out tho and let ya kno. I like the cover art on The Workingman's Dead. If i was still 16 I would want that on a poster.


    Probably buy tickets for Furthur in Chicago later on today after school. Its a Friday show. Saturday they play in Wisconsin. Depending on how Friday is I will shoot north to catch Saturday which will probably be a smaller show. I rather see them in a small venue than has been booked in Chicago

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  2. lately i have been having a difficult time accepting that the choices i made and lifestyle i lived for over a decade....still have an affect on my life.


    ie. had i played my cards right i would have a career and be more financially secure.


    i am grateful for my sobriety and i am proud that i make the right choices, but it is hard to do the right thing and still have to struggle. one day it will all come together, that is all i can hold on to.


    couldnt have said it better myself

  3. Probably wont be Detroit this year. Im looking at the line up and seeing guys like Dirks and Don Kelly and Ramon Santiago and Ryan Rayburn, Brandon Inge. Those guys are good to have around to platoon in so the main battery can get a break but its the B team. A collective batting avg of probably 220 Been nice to have extra baseball this year and while we took 1 last night i think the Tigres be a bit too banged up to overcome this potent Tx offense. C`est la vie. Sucks seeing George Bush cheering in the stands. Makes me sick to see that man happy

  4. never really gave Supplication a fair play. I would put on Lazy Lightening, not be feelin it, and put something else on. Then it hit me. Supplication is astonishing. It allowed me to dig on Lazy Lighteing too. I can see why they lined it up like this. Talk about silver threading the golden needle.

    Nassau Coliseum on 1980-05-15

    This is a stunning example. Rest of the show was hot too. I was a day old and hundreds of miles away

  5. yo sword doggy. I have a sneaking suspicion that number 3 is now occupied. You still got all his shit in your living room? Im thinking if it was me i would try and give that shit to who? maybe his folks.


    Ryan Lathfucker probably give him a dirty look in the 4th grade or some shit

    You got what are probably all of his earthly possessions

  6. word. So i looked back at the season

    Detroit played three series against the Rangers

    2 at home and 1 away.

    Detroit won all 3 series

    outscored Tx 45-37.

    That being said 2/3 of the meetings were in Detroit

    TX finished up with a slightly better season record than

    the Tigers.


    Im excited.

  7. dear childhood friend,


    Call me up to borrow 5 bucks for a pack of

    smokes, I fix your broke ass some lunch

    and help you out with the cigarettes

    you're tryin to tell me you made 20K

    this week at work. Fuck outta here with that shit.



  8. generally speaking im pretty critical of Donna but on occasion think shes great.

    i like her on Cassidy and some other stuff. She needed to just tone it down a bunch.

    and ya shai. That 75 hookup is kinda busy but lots of obscure jams. Only track with vocals unless im mistaken is JBGoode. Which btw is way busy

    I kinda wish there was more of this show. Im gonna look for stuff like it.


    ive kept this window open for almost a week.

    Beacon Theatre 1976-06-14


    Great show. I have my favorites in there. Always looking for the perfect crazy fingers

    which this one is not but its pretty nice. A Brown Eyed Woman that strikes me. A version of Slipnot I listened

    to over and over

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