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Posts posted by abcs

  1. well. Detroit got rid of Brandon Inge. Replaced with Wilson Betemit. I feel pretty good about that. Inge was slippin bad. Betemit isnt the best defender but he hits for 285 whereby Inge was an automatic out. That and we made a trade with Seattle. A couple pitchers, Doug Fister and David Pauley. Supposedly they have good stuff. I honestly dont kno the first thing about them. Fister is like 3-12 but his ERA is 3.33. Supposedly he isnt a strike out pitcher. That is troubling for me. I mean... if he can put the ball on the ground thats good and all but I feel more comfortable with a guy that shuts bats down


    Either way i feel like Seattle got the shit end of the stick

    They got a guy that bats about 250 but hes pretty new. Casper Wells.

    Honestly the guy seems like a 4th outfielder and as soon as the book

    is out on him i could see his numbers settling at around 215.

    A rookie pitcher that fell apart in both of his starts and a AA Erie

    guy i kno nothing about.


    This is your Detroit Scouting report. I say my squad is starting to shape up on that legit top tip.

    This new arm should help. Our pitching had stumbled some but we shifted some starters back to the

    pen and brought in them new guys. A couple pitchers sorted out their issues. Our bats are solid. We shall see

  2. dear whatever,


    been drinking too much. too much green top tip, kinda depressed feeling all the

    time /noEmo. Not sad depressed, more like feel like going around kicking complete

    strangers and hoping they do somthing about it just to make myself feel better depressed.

    Need a vacation top tip. Need a break from school. Lower spine pain all day errr day

    fuck off



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  3. got a linux question. I bought a new HP notebook. Wireless is something of a problem i've come to realize between notebooks and Linux. I downloaded an Intel driver from the HP site and it is apparantly an acceptable wireless driver for a linux OS. If i load ubuntu and I physically connect to my router and go to the HP site for drivers and software.... will i be able to load that driver and connect to the internet. Unless i'm mistaken .exe dont mean shit in Linux.

    Whats the best method for running this system on my notebook? I sort of want to dual boot between windows and linux. Anybody have any advice?

  4. if this wasn't fiction Walt would have got himself bodied half way thru the first

    season. Probably same with Jesse's asleep at the switch ass. Is Jesse scared to

    be by himself? is that what the deal is with that last episode

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