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Posts posted by abcs

  1. hope your 21st was better than mine. I got stupid drunk, smashed a breezy that was actually real decent looking and for the next 2.5 days before i crawled into the clinic it felt like i was pissing molten fucking lava mixed with broken glass. Im talking every drop I managed to squeeze. Yea. Happy Birthday anyhow.

  2. big luck. is it the same girl you were talking about a few years back. Around the way girl you grew up with girl? I mean i hardly remember the thread but i swear it was you that was talking about some girl. Friends little sister? nah that wasn't it.

    good luck anyways

  3. i reached some conclusions based on styles i seen just before names went away

    They could be incorrect and i dont care enough to ask but I would expec the un-named

    to be plenty capable of that hookup. Unless of course im mistaken. Bump regardless

    shits fresh

  4. what sucks is at the end of the show you still dont know who killed rosie larson.

    Could have been anybody. I dont think it was the scummy rich guy tho. He paid

    the councilman all them millions so he could have a politician in his pocket. So with

    what little they gave us it kinda looks like the mayor killed the girl to frame him for

    murder and spoil his campaign

  5. AMC has a little countdown going. Its a good show. I have enjoyed it. There have been a few unlikely stretches but overall its been worthwhile. Just as soon as The Killing is done we get Breaking Bad

  6. miss contests piss me off. Driving out of my community you see big ugly ass signs welcoming you and oh yea. By the way this is/was home to miss USA or miss Michigan 2K?. What it should say is. Welcome to

    (insert abcs city) home of the 95% high school graduation rates or something worth mentioning or nothing at all. I had the misfortune of reading some shit the most recent Miss USA said. She polluted our news because she is from the Detroit area and all it made me want to be mean to her and treat her bad. What a fucking cunt. They make a big deal about some bitch only because she look pretty. Not based on any sort of accomplishment or by merit of anything. Not because she is a good person in fact she sounds like little more than a self absorbed piece of shit.

  7. steal a bunch of dilz from several sex shops. U and the homies. Then find something to superglue them on. Perhaps someone you dislikes car. Thats all i got. I stole a dil before. It was hysterical. nohomo

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