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Everything posted by Keepitrail

  1. HOLA DENVER! I'll be passing through your devilish little town in the next few days. I am interested in four things: Painting a nice wall, Drinking Beer and Wine, Chasing Women, and Eating Cheetos. I also need to read about Kerouac and see your museums if they are good. If any of you God-Fearing, Patriotic, Terrist Hatin, Truck-drivin 'Mericans have any notion of helpin out a fellow, I'd sure appreciate the gesture!
  2. We in tight with ch. 4 Water Tires Dementia Alexemos 1ner
  3. For some reason I can't get rid of the idea that if I were there, and Lo Man was showing me around, I would be inwardly retching. I think it's cool that you got to see something a little more exclusive that you grew up with - that's dope. But to say someone is a philanthropist who has a 15 million dollar office? I mean, if we're going percentage wise, by that standard a good portion of my friends are more than philanthropists, they're fucking gods... and they don't advertise it. But to be fair - I've always had a difficult time idolizing or admiring a person of extravagant wealth. [excepting any Dumas character]
  4. http://adventureamericas.wordpress.com/2013/01/03/nightmare-in-peru/ Close friend of mine got pretty banged up in Peru, whipped, gunpoint, etc. Happened a couple days ago. Wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make news. Fuuuck.
  5. This spot right here, I've wanted to do for years. Fuck you cause you did it good too.
  6. congratulations mi hombre. How long are you going out there. I might be in the area. Good luck. Don't fuck up again. If you're travelling around S.America let me know. I know som folks. I'm trying to get to Costa Rica myself to do some bit of work for lodging.
  7. St. LOUIS FOLKS IF anyone wants to kick it, I just hopped a freight up there from Oakland. I got kicked off in CHamois, near Jefferson City. I'm walking to St. Louis to try and hitch down to Tennessee. If anyone wants to kick it or get a beer, paint some shit, or let me crash on their couch, muchos gracias to you. Hit me up on keepitrail@gmail.com or Pm. But I can check email easier. HOLLAR!!!
  8. Here's a few real quickies ???Somewhere in Cali Travel partner, drug smuggler, dog courier, and a well of information. Great Salt Lake - cut through the middle of the big salty bastard God Damn OKIES! Hiding out in the Engine Room while we passed through a hub in Utah. Fucking spent two dollars on a forty and it's 2.5% Alcohol. What the fuck!! Bahhhh.
  9. Oh yes, i've read many times. I was in Whitefish, MT when I picked up a copy from the library to re read, and realized that Whitefish was the last place he sent a postcard from until he was in Alaska. Also I worked in wheat fields on combines really close to North Dakota which was funny to read as he had too. Oh and I just got out of jail in Chamois, MO. SOmehow they seent me and sent a sherriff after me. I woke up to a big burly man standing over me sayin "Son, I don't reckon you got a ticket for this train, do ya." So, 24 hours in the county jail later. They just released me about an hour ago. walked down to the library to check out maps. Hoping to hitch-hike or walk to St. Louis. It's only 30 or 40 miles I think. But I"ve only got $17.05 left. Fucking forgot my wallet in Oakland. And my jacket. And my smokes. And my weed. But on the latter, probably a good thing considering I got searched. Sorry for not responding individually, the library closes in like 10 minutes so I gotta make it short. Lots of very interesting people along the way so far! Thanks everyone for sharing the story, I know it's a bit short, but after 75 pictures it starts to bug out. And you can only put in a certain number of little texts. So, not exactly the forum I'd like to use for this kind of trip, but hell, if I win that $500 maybe it'll pay for my court costs hahahaha.... thanks again everyone.
  10. Oh shit it's takin off. Loud as fuck!!! Just read all of the page 1 yall are filing killing me right now. Thanks for all the contributin. Sitting in a 3 square ft room next to a freight engine. Hoping I don't get busted in on. Thanks again. Will update when I can find a charger in the engine room. HOLLLAARR! So many pics to come.
  11. Haaaa oh shit I'm in a engine right now waiting to pull out of Ogden headed to Marion hopefully. I'm in the engine room and it just bumped were trying to evade the crew check. Update in 10-20 minutes or I'm in jail haha
  12. OK so Photobucket is doing this contest. Adventure time contest. You upload some photos and tell a little story and then you can acquire currency. Currency which I am devoid of. Initially I passed it off, but then I looked at the entries that were already posted and they were all wack as fuck. Like two or three photos about how your bff made cupcakes or how Uncle Herbert caught a big fish in Idaho. The software is buggy as hell, but I made one anyway. SO, I remember one time someone on here was trying to get his little sister (supposedly) tickets to Hanna Montana and everyone in the thread was supposed to enter. Well, I ended up winning the tickets and some lucky 12oz member got to see Hanna montana live fo' free. Ergo defacto, what I'm asking is that if you got a photobucket account, click my link and "like" the story. Comment on the images. Hell, even spread it on your social medias. I'm typing this on a public library computer. Tonight, I'll be catching a 2am freight from Oakland to (supposedly) Marion, AR - eventually. I had to make the story "family friendly", so forgive me if it's cheesy. I couldn't really put up flicks of dead animals and dope plants and guns. Just the PG shit. TL:DR Help a nurga win some dough and click this link, like it, comment on the photos, share it, etc. Contest ends DECEMBER 9th!! http://s1324.beta.photobucket.com/user/KeepItRail/story/15433 Also, Thanks for all the support as I've been traveling, and I'll be hitting some of you up as I travel. Specail thanks to seeking, xen, Nightmare, Lewis&Clark, BloodyWishes, decypheron, BOATS, fist666, lies, KARLhungus, rollingnowhere, any2, edogg, inkface, blank, CALIgula, vanfull, crooked, BELTOLEUM, Iron Chef, and everyone who's been so fucking legit it's inconceivable, I'm writing this on the fly with my internet time running out, sorry if I left you out you are all cool as fuck. hope to see you all one day, and those I have so far, I hope to see again. And if you hooligans helps me to win some dough, send a PM and I'll be sending you a package. BET.
  13. Excellent work, as always. Is there a flick of the Rex you're referring to or did I miss it? Props to new BW's. I'll hollar at you when I get up there. Itching to paint with Tennessee kinfolk...
  14. Mayne - I think get what you're saying. This kind of Euro-hipster 2kool4skool i'mjustkiddingbuti'mserious type graff. It's pretty rampant. But I don't think it's all-together bad. It's just where we've come to this point. Now you're starting to see more and more a sub-sub culture of graff. Look at most graff in the 90's to early 00's and you can see that there is a "style" of the times, even as it varied years to years and has come to fruition to what it is now. I don't know.. is it bad? It seems like graff has always been a rather slow evolver, with a few writers here and there who really break out of the tradition and start a new one. Right now it's either ultra-wicked-technical-superexpensive piecing or straight Idontgiveafuck bombing. I think there is a place in between the two which is the real heart of graff. At least for me. I will say it's more than refreshing to know that places like Oakland and San Diego are still super dedicated to straight bombing and original piecing. The level of dedication out here on the West Coast is stunning. I miss that shit from what I felt was late 90's to early 00's in Tennessee, where TM, IA, and BW were really crushing it. I think we had a good resurgence there for a bit in the mid 00's but I'm not so sure. I mean seriously, how many writers are there in the whole state? Even counting shitty ones, maybe what, 30? That's a pretty small pool to draw from. There's definitely a new generation forming right now. From what I can see (and have been) there are a couple different schools in TN right now - the kids bombing and the kids painting legal walls. But it's always been the same, I guess. One major difference now is that I feel like the legal eagles have really taken an ego boost. It's cool and all to paint legal walls, but for real - after painting the same legal wall for months on end - thinking you're the tip top hop scotch tough guy that does graffiti? Cmon, son... I miss the dudes who really fucking crushed it. Fuck it if you had an ego, you earned it. God, the shit Zew or Smok would say to me when I was coming up. Fuck. But I ate it up. Cause I didn't do shit but paint stupid backyard spots. I don't remember a single kid from when I was painting that wasn't silent as fuck when they were talking to someone who'd been painting for years. "Back in my day, we had respect for them older writers, and we kept our mouths shut till we'd paid our dues! And we painted Interstates in the freezing snow, till our fingers wouldn't move, uphill both ways!" Ah, buttfuck it. I'm getting a drink. There's a handfull of damn good writers coming up right now. I'm pretty interested to see how TN fares in the next five or ten years.
  15. Awesome... thanks acer. I will probably do 40. Congrats on 1 year by the way! Also what's the sand line?
  16. Anyway, the reason I came out here was to see if anyone felt like sharing a 2010 CC guide, or at least tell me if one from 2006 is out-dated. I've hitch-hiked and rode freights through a dozen or so states, but I'd never really messed with the CC. Now I've happened upon an old one and wonder if it's worth it. Either that or if anyone's ever caught out of SF area heading East could PM/email me some info that'd be pretty spectacular. I'm headed to TN and trying to take a southern route. I figure anything above OK, TX, AZ is going to be too cold. If you like, you can follow my trip so far in this thread. Thanks for all the years of entertainment and info, Kabar, and everyone else in the thread. Hollar
  17. I hate to quote on this, but Kabar has done a lot for many in terms of keeping (potential and uninformed) riders safe. I remember once several years ago printing out every page of this thread and reading it start to finish. Certainly schooled me on a lot of things.
  18. Thank you sir. I will! Nice... Do you think they'll have that at the Library? I'll go check it out tomorrow. I need some good reading for the next month. I've got Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance right now, but I'm closing in on the ending. That & Roughing It by Mark Twain. Ahhhh it's about that time of the year isn't it? It's my girl's car. She cool like that.
  19. The (mostly) finished product. We cut off the legs and my girl made a ridiculous gravy with sweet potatoes and onions and roasted it all in the oven. The breast we'll save for the holidays. Tiny little paintbrushes and dust muffins AND I totally missed this giant ass sack of undigested food in his neck. So, don't forget to find that thing and cut it out! A little bit more tough than any other turkey I've had, but good lord jesus the freshness and satisfaction of a meal that was on that same day waltzing around the fields of California... just can't beat it.
  20. This shot is kind of blurry, but I really like it. Taken out of context, it becomes sort of ambiguous. For some reason it makes me feel strange and emotional. The shoes, the shakiness and voyeuristic nature of it all really gets me excited. Props to the girl
  21. Then go on and get up inside there and dig out the rest. Heart, lungs, windpipe. It's pretty cool to know that if you cut your throat, and your anus, all of the guts, every one of them, come right out like a double bottle neck. I think most animals are lined up that way. I found the heart, and sure enough. That little ole .22 round went right through it.
  22. I like to take time and explore the inner workings of animals. Is the colon squishy? Does the liver have spots? How long are the intestines? Can you find the gonads? Is this what my insides look like?
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