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Everything posted by N0PESTAR

  1. Exactly. I work my ass off to support myself and buy the things I wanna buy, but I have to watch my spending otherwise I'll be in the shitter, like many people. Why should I use my earned money to support somebody who just doesn't feel like working?
  2. Damn congrats man, you can write letters with a can of black spray paint.
  3. Bump the Vegan on the first page. Saw it sitting off the Kennedy in Chicago a while ago. Funny seeing it all the way out in bumfuck nowhere. lol
  4. That's funny, because a couple years ago I "grew out of it", but as time went by I started back up.
  5. A few times, I find that if I think about it before I go to sleep I'll usually have a dream about it.
  6. Hahaha. I didn't go out for a little bit when I got my job, but that was only temporary. I probably would quit if I was facing some (serious) jail time.
  7. Apparently you are from the suburbs, and you're pretending to be from a "violent neighborhood" to sound like a bad ass on the internet because you get picked on in school. Anybody from the city knows that the #1 rule is to never pull a weapon on somebody unless you're 100% prepared to use it. And a gun charge is actually time in prison, not a slap on the wrist. You're gay.
  8. Yeah dude. Check out the Chicago thread. Or the Xmen thread.
  9. I don't understand why some of y'all carry your lives with you. I never bring my keys(unless I drove), never bring my wallet, or have anything in my pockets with my information on it. I'd leave my phone too but I like to take pictures, plus it's always good in case something happens.
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