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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. Nezmo, that shit is dope - definitely not toy
  2. yea Freak that is a nice piece, just tidy it up more and will look dope.
  3. my entry for Cubic battle. Just couldn't get a decent picture of it
  4. i like em man, nice to see my name in that roller style you have
  5. yea man I like your stuff, i like the hands too! I know most people won't like this and will say go simple but this was me bored in work and just sketching while people bitched at me on the phone and some random stuff I did before bed last night, I was shattered!
  6. here you go, hope you like. Props for sticking with the R then K man I couldn't handle that all the time!! didn't colour them because my colouring has been shit lately
  7. cheers man yea just as well they are cheapo markers, think that is also why they were bleeding so much but thanks for crits, should have left it like this really
  8. I like those they are nice man this is mine from work today, dunno what hapened with the colouring must have been real slow and heavy handed in work today crits always welcome
  9. yea man I will try an exchange with you. Just block letters?
  10. cheers man, i suppose you don't know how things will turn out til you do em!!
  11. yea my extensions are always shit, need more work on them, i just can't bridge that gap from simples to wildstyles and have been practising for bloody ages oh well, maybe I should focus on colour schemes
  12. only thing I lost were the police and I was happy as larry about that
  13. I vote for Neber on the Dozen battle
  14. Just a couple of my sketches, crits are welcome! Let me know if I should stay in toy thread!!
  15. yea man thats definitely better. althoughI think your still gettin slightly smaller as you go through the word well i coloured mine in and it looked like this: and I thought yea thats ok, then I thought oh I know I will try something out and it ended up like this: I know fucked it up completely I can't even describe what I was trying. Oh well crits welcome!
  16. i like that nice n simple but with some style too, only thing wrong is the P is smaller than the rest try making it the same size
  17. thats cool the letters are becoming more uniform, only thing is make the D wider at the bottom it is sloping in too much. Also, the I doesn't need to be bent so much or the legs of the N as the other letters are more straight, and the kink in those ones make them stand out a bit. This is what I'm working on at the moment but am kinda stumped for what colours to use for the letters
  18. yea man I hear you but get paid at end of the month and found a place where I can get Belton for cheap, roll on payday
  19. I like em both man, I like how you managed to keep the curves on the top one and make it work that second one could be a huge roller!!
  20. spent the day in work mucking around with these letters not sure on them I know they could be nicer quick 10 minute idea from the end of the day! crits always welcome. Should I still post here or in the other sketch thread?
  21. freak the nah at the bottom of the page is sweet, i really like the style on it I would definitely persue that style a bit if I were you I need to try and step up my game a bit but I am never happy with my sketches hence why I am posting in Toy thread, will post up my sketch from today in work when i get home in a couple of hours
  22. not really into stencils myself but I do like that puppet on a string one!
  23. I like the second and fourth ones. I think you need to try and focus on getting your letters having the same dimensions. Some of them are thicker than others and it kind of makes them a little unbalanced or squashed looking. But I'm definitely liking your colour choices and fair play for using characters I'm rubbish at puttin them with pieces. I know people say go simple and that is best advice but you can do simple with style too!
  24. I vote for KillorDie, that is a nice style! but they are all good!!
  25. thanks man, appreciate the vote of confidence My painting skills do need work, havent actually painted in years, but will be hitting the walls soon
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